General Work Products LLC | 6000 Jefferson Hwy | Harahan, LA 70123
•Fall Protection •Training •Netting •PPE
Installation and Use
1. Refer to the installation instructions specific to your model.
2. Make sure you install the anchor with the label up and the butyl strip down.
3. The Roof Ridge Anchors can be installed directly onto the roof shingles or ridge cap. The butyl strip helps to
provide a waterproof seal between the Roof Ridge Anchor and the shingles. You may install the Roof Ridge Anchor
underneath the ridge cap or roof shingle if necessary. If installing underneath the shingles be sure ALL the shingling
in the selected location is removed.
MODEL A00151
1. Identify the location for installation of the Roof Ridge Anchor. Installation
must be done so that all loading of the anchor will be in line with the anchor
plate. Do not load over the ridge!
2. Place anchor in the selected location. Install 8 each 3-1/2” 16d stainless
steel spiral nails for wood installations or 8 each 2” #14-10 sheet metal
screws for metal installations into ALL fastener holes in the anchor plate.
Use the appropriate fastener type for your substrate material. Be sure to use
a fastener in every fastener hole in the anchor plate.
3. If you removed shingles or ridge caps to install the Roof Ridge Anchor, replace them. Follow the instructions
from the roof shingle or ridge cap manufacturer. The shingles or ridge cap must cover the anchor plate, but the
D-Ring must not be covered.
MODEL A00152
1. Identify the location for installation of the Roof Ridge Anchor. Installation
must be done so that all loading of the anchor will be in line with the anchor
plate. Do not load over the ridge!
2. Bend the Roof Ridge Anchor in the center to match the angle of the ridge.
Place the center of the anchor plate on the roof ridge. Ensure a good fit over
the roof ridge.
3. Place the anchor in the selected location. Install 8 each 3-1/2” 16d stainless
steel spiral nails for wood installations or 8 each 2” #14-10 sheet metal
screws for metal installations into ALL fastener holes in the anchor plate.
Use the appropriate fastener type for your substrate material. Be sure to use a fastener every fastener hole in the
anchor plate.
4. If you removed shingles or ridge caps to install the Roof Ridge Anchor, replace them. Follow the instructions
from the roof shingle or ridge cap manufacturer. The shingles or ridge cap must cover the anchor plate, but the
D-Rings must not be covered.