5. Turning On Your Computer System
Before you turn on your computer system, ensure that all cables are connected properly and that the controller is
properly mounted. Be sure to tighten all cable connector screws.
To start up your system:
• Turn on your computer system.
• Adjust the horizontal and vertical position controls on the monitor to center the image on the screen.
6. Check the Status LED
The 5 wires resistive serial touch screen controller has a LED (light emitting diode) on the box that indicates the
status of the controller. When you power-up the unit, the LED is on after the controller start-up sequence is
completed. Following start-up, the LED goes on and remains on as long as you do not touch the sensor. After the
TouchScreen Driver is installed and startup, when you touch the sensor, the LED goes flashing (or blinking ) until
you lift off from the sensor.
7. Installing and Using TouchScreen Software
You have successfully installed the 5 wires resistive serial touch screen controller and connected the touchscreen
to your computer. You are now ready to complete the following tasks:
• install the appropriate TouchScreen Driver software for the operating system you are using.
• Use the TouchScreen Control Panel software to calibrate the touchscreen.
Insert the TouchScreen Drivers CD-ROM in your computer’s CD-ROM drive and follow the directions starting on
the next page to install the driver software.