© G
n GB/US-2583/04/2022 • # 558526_3
© G
n GB/US-2583/04/2022 • # 558526_3
2 .02
Operating instructions
The lifting platform is operated by means of the operating panel.
The lifting platform is logical and unproblematic to operate and use, even with
no prior knowledge.
When the lifting platform is parked at the lower level, the ramp/doors can be
opened by pressing and holding the DOWN button (2).
1. UP
Raising the lifting platform from the lower level
1. When the lifting platform is at the lowest level and the access ramp has been
lowered to the proper level, users can freely drive up on to the
lifting platform.
2. Activate the control panel by pressing UP button (1), and the access ramp will
go up / the doors will close; this way, the access ramp serves to protect the
user from rolling off.
3. When the access ramp is all the way up and (1) is held down, the lifting plat-
form will begin its ascent. The lifting platform only ascends when (1) is active-
ly held down (hold-to-run).
4. When the lifting platform is level with the landing, the lifting platform stops
automatically and the user can drive onto the landing.
5. When using the safety gate, it is opened automatically. It is electronically
secured and cannot be opened until the lifting platform is in the highest posi-
Lowering the lifting platform from the upper level
1. The user drives onto the lifting platform.
2. When using the safety gate, it must be closed before the lifting platform can
be operated. This is done by activating (2).
3. Activate the operating panel by pressing button (2) to lower the lifting platform.
The lifting platform only descends when (2) is actively held down (hold-to-run).
4. When the lifting platform is at its lowest level, the access ramp will be low-
ered/the doors opened, and the user can drive off the lifting platform.