Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Stock Co., Ltd.
CANScope Analyzer User Manual
©2012 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2012/09/03
User Manual
Step 8:
Within the display area, right click to bring up the dropdown menu; in its
options, user can select
“zoom in/zoom out/whole view” to change waveform
Step 9:
Move the cursor to the display area, hold down the [ctrl] key, the cursor will
change to
”, then a left click (with [ctrl] key down) can zoom in the
waveform, right click can zoom out the waveform.
Step 10: Adjust the height of the waveform to an appropriate size.
Step 11: Adjust the display position of the waveform. Enter the time offset within the
“Time offset” blank within the toolbar (unit: s, ms, or ns), press enter or single
click outside of the
“Time offset” blank to let the time offset setting take effect.
Then the waveform display will adjust to start from this offset. Dragging the
scroll bar under the waveform display is another way to change the time
Step 12: Adding labels. Right click on the waveform that you want to label, select the
“Add label” option to add label to it.
3.2.5 CAN Oscilloscope
Click the
“CAN Oscilloscope” tag within the main menu can bring up the “CAN
” page, as Figure 3-16 shows.
Figure 3-16: CAN Oscilloscope