Important Safety Instructions
ImPOrtant Safety InStrUCtIOnS
for the System Designer
WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury or death:
reaD aND FolloW all iNstructioNs.
This operator is intended for use only on vehicular gates. Pedestrians must be supplied with a separate
walk-through gate
entrapment protection
on page 5)
When designing a system that will be entered from a highway or main thoroughfare, make sure the
system is placed far enough from the road to prevent traffic congestion.
Because automatic gate operators produce high levels of force, all system designers, installers, and consumers
have an obligation to know the potential hazards associated with improperly designed, installed, or maintained
gate operator systems.
Keep in mind that the gate operator is just one component of the total gate operating system.
Each component must work in unison to provide the consumer with convenience, security, and safety.
This manual contains various safety precautions and warnings for the system designer, installer, and consumer.
Because there are many possible applications of the gate operator, the safety precautions and warnings contained
in this manual cannot be completely exhaustive in nature. They do, however, provide an overview of the safe
design, installation, and use of this product.
careFullY reaD aND FolloW all saFetY precautioNs,
WarNiNgs, aND iNstallatioN iNstructioNs to eNsure the saFe sYsteM DesigN, iNstallatioN,
aND use oF this proDuct.
The precautions and warnings in this manual are identified with these
warning symbols.
symbol identifies the conditions that can result in serious injury or death from electrical shock.
symbol identifies the conditions that can result in damage to the operator or its components, serious
injury, or death.
Because gto automatic gate operators are only part of the total gate operating system, it is the responsibility
of the designer, installer, and purchaser to ensure the total system is safe for its intended use. Bypassing
safety devices or neglecting to use safety devices with the gate operator is Not acceptable.