2. Safety
CE Compliant Sampler - Model GCE 45 and GCE 90
Safety Sign-Off Sheet
Below is a sign-off sheet that can be used to verify that all personnel have read and understood the safety
instructions. This sign-off sheet is provided for your convenience and personal record keeping.
Employee Name
Supervisor Name
Toxic Fume and Dust Hazard
• Do all work outside or in a well-ventilated area. Dispose of paint and
solvent properly.
• Remove paint before welding or heating:
— Avoid potentially toxic fumes and dust. Hazardous fumes can be
generated when paint is heated by welding, soldering, or
using a torch.
— If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust. Wear an
approved respirator.
— If you use solvent or paint-stripper, remove stripper with soap
and water before welding.
— Remove solvent or stripper containers and other flammable
material from area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutes
before welding or heating.