Boot loader version
Boot loader is a software application that is
loaded by the device firmware from a boot-
capable medium and then executed. The boot
loader then loads further parts of the operating
Domain name system
The domain name system (DNS) is one of the
most important services on the Internet. Its main
function is to convert an Internet address into the
corresponding IP address.
Firmware version
Firmware is the term used for software that is em-
bedded in a programmed chip (microcontroller).
It is mostly stored in a flash memory, an EPROM
or an EEPROM.
The firmware contains functions for controlling
the device.
Gateway IP
A gateway allows networks, which may be
based on completely different protocols, to com-
municate with each other.
In the home area, a combination of the router
and the DSL modem are used as an Internet
Hardware version
Hardware in this context means the device. This
includes all components such as processor, dis-
play, etc.
IP address
An IP address (Internet protocol address) is used
to uniquely identify the address of computers
and other devices in an IP network. The most
well-known network in which IP addresses are
used is the Internet. Here, for example, web serv-
ers are addressed using the IP address.
The IP address can be provided automatically
by the router (automatic address) or can be en-
tered manually in the router (static address). If it
is entered manually, this address must also be
entered in the hi-fi system.
NAS (network access storage)
The abbreviation NAS is used for devices that
provide data from a hard drive to a network.
Network name (SSID)
The network name (SSID – service set identifier)
is the term used for the identification of a wireless
network that is based on IEEE 802.11.
Every wireless LAN has a configurable SSID,
which uniquely identifies the wireless network.
The character sequence of the network name
can be up to 32 characters in length. It is config-
ured in the base station (access point) of a wire-
less LAN and set on all clients which access it.
Network mask
The network mask or net mask, sometimes also
referred to as a subnet mask, is a bit mask that
separates an IP address into a network part and
a device/host part. It is used in IP networks to
make routing decisions.
Private IP address
Private IP addresses belong to particular IP ad-
dress ranges that are not routed in the Internet.
They can be used by anybody for private Net-
works, such as LANs.
Many computer networks require complete con-
nectivity at IP level, but only limited access to the
Internet. If such a computer network has a pri-
vate IP address range, it forms an intranet which
cannot be accessed from the Internet as the In-
ternet routers ignore private address ranges. A
gateway or router that is placed in this private
network and which has a public address in the
Internet as well as a private IP address makes
the connection to the Internet. This can be per-
formed by a proxy or using NAT/PAT/Masquer-
As the address range used can only be viewed
within the private network, the same range can
also be used in other private networks. The
unique nature of an IP address required by the
Internet protocol is ensured by this restricted vis-