Iron / manganese removal
Demanganisation system GENO-mat MN-Z
Order no. 095 153 048-inter Edited by: nkes-mrie G:\BA-153048-INTER_095_GENO-MAT_MN-Z.DOCX
Centre rising pipe,
Fill with filter material
1. Fill filter tank up to 50 % with water.
2. Check whether the riser pipe is covered by a protective cap, plug
on the protective cap, if necessary. The protective cap prevents
material from entering the riser pipe.
3. Centre the filter tank in the rising pipe.
4. Fill the tank with filter material by using the funnel supplied with
the system (refer to figure). Refer to Table D-2 for fill volumes.
Remove the protective cap,
fix the control head in place.
5. Fill up the filter tank with water
6. Centre the riser pipe precisely.
7. Clean the filter tank’s screw thread and the sealing surface for the
connection of the control valve from any filter material that might
be clinging to them.
8. Remove the protective cap from the riser pipe.
9. Put the control valve from above onto the rising pipe and fasten it
by turning it to the right.