Saber Hand Wind Audio Player - Maintenance Guide
turn the handle ALL THE TIME while the player is playing
, if no other external DC
power source is available.
We recommend that you turn the crank handle for 1 minute before starting the player, and
continuously during the start up phase of the player, where the green light is fast flashing.
3.1.2 External DC power
All external DC power is connected using the 2.1mm DC power socket
on the side of the player. The voltage needs to be between 6 to 8 Volts
DC, and a current rating of at least 350mA with the centre pin positive
(+). If the input voltage is too high it may result in components on the
circuit board burning out, requiring the expensive replacement of the
circuit board.
DO NOT connect a Saber player directly to a 12 volt battery as this will
permanently damage the player. There is an optional voltage adaptor
available to allow connection to car batteries.
External power supplies, solar panels and external battery packs that
will meet the Saber player requirements are available from GRN.
When using external DC power, disconnect the power once the red light has gone out, indicating
that the player is fully charged.
3.1.3 Internal Battery
The purpose of the internal battery is to store energy that is provided by the
generator and external DC power. The 3.6V 750mAh Nickel Metal Hydride
(NiMH) battery pack has been chosen, as it is robust, cost effective and requires
minimal maintenance in the field. These batteries are designed for years of
service, with a minimum of 500 full charge / discharge cycles before starting to
degrade. They cope with partial charge / discharge cycles and have minimal
memory effect.
NOTE: These batteries self discharge over time.
At a temperature of 20'C the self leakage discharge is 20% per month.
At a temperature of 40'C the self leakage discharge can be over 40% per month.
If you have an external power source, it is recommended to charge the player if the unit has not
been used for a number of weeks. If you do not have an external power source available, it is
recommended that you turn the crank handle for a minute before turning on the player, and to
continue turning the crank handle while the player is being used.
We recommend that the players are recharged every 90 days, using any available charging source.
(External DC, Generator, solar panel.)
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External Power:
- 2.1mm DC plug
- Centre pin positive (+)
- DC (direct current) supply
- Input: 6 to 8 Volts
- Minimum 350mA current
Battery Type
Nominal 3.6V
750mAh capacity
Nickel Metal Hydride
(3*AAA battery type)