G1037Z 13" Planer/Moulder
To order any of the aftermarket accessories
below, find the model number in bold and
call our customer service line 24 hours a day
Moulding Knives—
available from the current
Grizzly catalog or online at grizzly.com.
Replacement Knives—
Model G4517
Replace your old plan-
er/moulder knives and
get your machine cutting
like new again with
these high speed steel
replacement knives.
Mobile Base—Model G7314
Make your planer/moul-
der mobile with this pop-
ular patented mobile
Planer Pals—See The Current Grizzly Catalog
For Model #s.
These patented jigs are
remarkably simple to
use and hold knives
securely in place while
you tighten them in the
cutterhead. They also
allow you to shift nicked
knives to avoid replace-
ment or removal.
—Model G1738
The Rotocator
has a
magnetic base and is
used to adjust settings
on any planer. Infeed
rollers, outfeed rollers,
and planer knives can
be adjusted very quickly
and accurately.
Planer/Jointer Blade Hone—Model G3631
Add a razor hone to your
planer and jointer knives
with this hand-held
sharpening device.