Model g0554z (Mfg 01/09+)
The coolant tank on this lathe is designed to
store only coolant. During storage some flu-
ids grow dangerous microbes, or, due to the
collection of toxic metal chips in the fluid,
the fluid can become a potent and extremely
poisonous solution to humans and animals.
use the correct personal protection equip-
ment when handling coolant to prevent
infections and poisoning.
Follow Federal, State, and the coolant manu-
facturer's requirements to properly dispose
of used coolant.
cleaning coolant Tank
the coolant tank of your lathe holds approximately
three gallons of coolant.
replace the coolant every 30 days or sooner if it
gives off a foul odor, which is due to the growth of
dangerous microbes.
Tools Needed
phillips screwdriver ........................................... 1
To replace the coolant:
1. disConnECt lAthE FroM poWEr!
2. remove the right side access panel.
3. pull the coolant tank out from the lathe and
remove the pump.
4. Follow the Federal, state, and the coolant
manufacturer's requirements to drain and
dispose the contents of the coolant tank.
5. Flush out the coolant tank and remove all of
the swarf, then clean the intake screen on the
bottom of the pump.
6. refill the tank with approximately three gal-
lons of coolant, re-attach the pump, then
position the tank all the way to the left under-
neath the drain chute (see
Figure 83).
Place strong magnets in the bottom of
both tank partitions to keep metal chips from
entering the coolant pump.
7. re-install the access panel before resuming
3. inspect the level and quality of the coolant.
— if the level of the coolant is below approxi-
mately 2" from the top, add coolant.
— use a flashlight and inspect the level of
swarf inside the first chamber of the tank.
if the swarf level is beyond
the height
of the partition wall, then the tank must be
cleaned (see the illustration in
Figure 84).
— if the coolant smells rancid or is very
cloudy, it is contaminated and will need to
be replaced.
4. Make sure the tank is positioned all the way
to the left underneath the drain chute, then
re-install the access panel before resuming
First Chamber
Figure 84. diagram of coolant tank and pump.