4.1 Use with the accessories
To install and use the accessories, refer to the instruc-
tions included in relevant packings. All the devices
must be fitted into their apposite seatings (accessible
after the projector has been opened) that are recogni-
zable from the color references placed both on the
device and nearby the projector's fixing points.
Opening the projector: loosen the 2 side screws (a
pict.8) to remove the projector's lid. For the electrical
connection use the terminal board as per picture (b
pict.8). It is recommend to ensure that the number of
polarities of the device purchased corresponds to the
number appearing on the projector's panel.
To access the binding-clamps that are protected by a
metal cover, loosen the knob (see detail on pic. 8)
and rotate the cover. When the cover is open the
power supply is no longer supplied to the binding-
clamps thanks to a microswitch.
4.2 Control panel
The control panel is located on projector's right side and it can be accessed through a translucent
silicone film: do not remove the cover to access the control panel.
Switch the projector on: the display reads sequentially the DMX address (initially 001) and whe-
ther the DMX signal is present or not.
4.3 Reading the display and using the controls
MENU/ESC Key: The MENU key allows to enter the menu mode of the projector; pressing this
key while on menu mode is equal to pressing ESC, that is going back to the previous menu without
making any modification;
UP and DOWN Keys: The UP and DOWN keys (indicated by the arrows) allow to browse the
menu and sub-menus functions;
ENTER Key: the ENTER key confirms the choice visualized on display.
Address 001
No DMX Signal
Do not open
the cover
Control panel