Solar lights work by using a solar panel to generate energy from sunlight, converting it
into an electrical current which charges the internal, rechargeable batteries. These
batteries then power the lights. When switched on, an in-built light sensor controls the
lights, automatically activating them once the sensor detects dusk has fallen. The level
of battery charge, and duration of light time depends on the amount of sunlight
received, so your lights will stay illuminated for longer during the summer months.
Expected light return: Spring 2-5hrs. Summer 5-8hrs. Autumn 2-5hrs. Winter 0-2hrs.
The product turns on or off by the amount of light in its surroundings. Position the solar
panel at least 2 meters from other light sources. The closer the light is, the less
effectively it will work. Please ensure the face of the solar panel is not shaded. Choose a
place where it gets as much direct sunlight as possible.
Spec - Solar panel: 2V 30mA, LED:
1 x 0.06W LED, Battery: 1 x AAA NI-MH 200mah
Batteries can be replaced. If you need to replace the batteries at any time, please ensure
the replacement is the same specification as the original. We recommend charging the
product in the sun for about 2-3 days, every 6 months, in order to protect the
rechargeable battery.
This product must be recycled, or disposed of, properly according to your local waste
disposal centre. Do not dispose of batteries in regular trash, municipal waste stream or
by fire, as batteries may leak or explode. Do not open, short circuit or mutilate batteries
as injury may occur.
Solar Powered Lights
This product is designed for decorative purposes. This is not a toy. Keep out of reach from
children and animals.
Ce produit est conçu à des fins décoratives uniquement. Tenir hors de portée des enfants et
des animaux.
Dieses Produkt ist nur für dekorative Zwecke bestimmt. Es ist kein Spielzeug. Von Kindern und
Tieren fernhalten.
In the interest of safe and proper use of this product, please read these
instructions carefully and retain them for future reference.
Made in China Fabriqué en Chine Hergestellt in China
(ON) on
(OFF) off
Outdoor use
No mains
Warnings / Mises en garde / Warnung
This product comes with a 12 month manufacturer’s warranty against failure to all parts. If you have
a warranty claim, please use the contact details below. Light time will vary throughout the year and
is directly related to the amount of sunlight received. For any technical information relating to this
product, please email Festive Lights Ltd on [email protected]. We aim to respond within 2
working days. Alternatively, please contact our help line on +44 (0)1257 792111.
This service is available between 9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Ce produit est garanti 12 mois couvrant ainsi tout dysfonctionnement. Si vous avez une réclamation
concernant la garantie, veuillez utiliser les coordonnées ci-dessous. Pour toute information
technique concernant ce produit veuillez envoyer un email à Festive Lights Ltd
via l’adresse e-mail [email protected]. Nous vous répondrons sous un délai de 2 jours
ouvrés. Vous pouvez également contacter notre centre d’aide au +44 (0)1257 792111. Ce service est
disponible entre 9h et 17h (heure anglaise) du Lundi au Vendredi.
Dieses Produkt hat eine Herstellergarantie von 12 Monaten auf Materialschäden für alle Teile. Für
eventuelle Gewährleistungsansprüche verwenden Sie bitte die unten aufgeführten Kontaktdaten.
Die Leuchtzeitdauer ändert sich das ganze Jahr hindurch und ist direkt von der Zeitmenge der
tagsüber erhaltenen Sonnenenergie abhängig. Unsere Kontaktdetails entnehmen Sie bitte hier
unten. Für technische Rückfragen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über unsere Festive Lights Help-Line
Tel.: +44 (0) 1257 792111 werktags von 10:00h bis 18:00h Alternativ können Sie uns jederzeit per email
unter [email protected] erreichen. Wir bemühen uns emails
Warranty / La garantie / Garantie
UK importer: Festive Lights Ltd, Preston Road, Charnock Richard, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 5HH
EU importer: Festive Lights BV, Utrechtseweg 341, 3818 EL Amersfoort, Netherlands