background image

19. Do not use charger while you are tired or under

the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication.  A 

moment of inattention while operating charger

may result in serious personal injury.
20. Before moving charger, disconnect power supply

and battery, then allow charger to cool.
21. Charger should be grounded to reduce electric

shock.  Charger cord is equipped with equipment

grounding conductor and grounding plug.  
22. Never alter the AC cord or plug.  Improper

connection can result in electric shock.
23. Connect battery charger directly to grounding

receptacle.  An adapter should not be used. 

24. People with pacemakers should consult their

physician(s) before use. Electromagnetic fields in

close proximity to heart pacemaker could cause

pacemaker interference or pacemaker failure.

In addition, people with pacemakers should:

a. Properly maintain and inspect to avoid

electrical shock.

b. Properly ground power cord. GFCI should also be 

implemented to prevent sustained electrical shock.
25. The warnings, precautions, and instructions

discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all 

possible conditions and situations that may occur. It 

must be understood by the operator that common sense 

and caution are factors which cannot be built into this 

product, but must be supplied by the operator.



1. If necessary to remove battery from vehicle to 

charge, always remove grounded terminal from battery 

first. Make sure all accessories in the vehicle are off, 

so as not to cause an arc.
2. Be sure area around battery is well ventilated while 

battery is being charged.
3. Clean battery terminals. Be careful to keep corrosion 

from coming in contact with eyes.
4. Add distilled water in each cell until battery acid 

reaches level specified by battery manufacturer. Do 

not overfill. For a battery without removable cell caps, 

such as valve regulated lead acid batteries, carefully 

follow manufacturer’s recharging instructions.
5. Study all battery manufacturer’s specific precautions 

while charging and recommended rates of charge.

6. Determine voltage of battery by referring to vehicle 

owner’s manual and make sure it matches output 

rating of battery charger. If charger has adjustable 

charge rate, charge battery initially at lowest rate.
7. Marine batteries must be removed and charged

away from water.  To charge on board requires

equipment specifically designed for marine use.
8. Locate charger as far away from battery as DC 

cables permit.
9. Never place charger directly above battery being 

charged; gases from battery will corrode and damage

charger.  Do not set a battery on top of charger.
10. Never allow battery acid to drip on charger when 

reading electrolyte specific gravity or filling battery.
11. Do not operate charger in a closed-in area or 

restrict ventilation in any way.
12. Connect and disconnect DC output clips only after 

setting any charger switches to “off” position and 

removing AC cord from electric outlet.  Never allow 

clips to touch each other.

WARNING!  Use only for charging flooded 

lead-acid batteries.  Other batteries may 

overheat, leak, or catch fire.

WARNING!  A spark near battery may cause 

battery explosion.  To reduce risk of a spark 

near battery follow instructions below.


1. Position AC and DC cables to reduce risk of

damage by hood, door, or moving engine part.
2. Stay clear of fan blades, belts, pulleys, and other 

parts that can cause injury to persons.
3. Check polarity of battery posts. POSITIVE

(POS, P, +) battery post usually has larger diameter 

than NEGATIVE (NEG, N,–) post.
4. Determine which post of battery is grounded 

(connected) to the chassis. If negative post is grounded 

to chassis (as in most vehicles), see (e). If positive post

is grounded to the chassis, see (f).
5. For negative-grounded vehicle, connect POSITIVE 

(RED) clip from battery charger to POSITIVE 

(POS, P, +) ungrounded post of battery. Connect 

NEGATIVE (BLACK) clip to vehicle chassis or engine 

block away from battery. Do not connect clip to

carburetor, fuel lines, or sheet-metal body parts. 

Connect to a heavy gauge metal part of the frame or 

engine block.
6. For positive-grounded vehicle, connect NEGATIVE 

(BLACK) clip from battery charger to NEGATIVE 

(NEG, N, –) ungrounded post of battery. Connect 

POSITIVE (RED) clip to vehicle chassis or engine 

block away from battery.  Do not connect clip to 

carburetor, fuel lines, or sheet-metal body parts. 

Connect to a heavy gauge metal part of the frame or 

engine block.
7. When disconnecting charger, turn switches to off, 

disconnect AC cord, remove clip from vehicle chassis, 

and then remove clip from battery terminal.
8. See operating instructions for length of charge 

