Page 6
There are 4 front panel buttons:
Used to increase parameter values within a menu.
<DOWN> Used to decrease parameter values within a menu.
<MENU> In normal operation, pressing this button accesses the User Menu and then is used to
step through the menu items. The button is disabled if USER MENU LOCK is set.
<SILENCE> Used to silence the buzzer if it is active.
The Installer Menu is accessed by pressing and holding the <UP> and <DOWN> buttons in normal
operation at the same time for 5 seconds. This menu is used in the field to configure parameters such as the
analog output type, etc.
The following parameters are available to be changed. Some items will not be available depending on
other settings.
NOTE : To change a previous setting, return to the initial install menu.
1. Analog Output Type
curr, volt (Default = curr)
2. Volt Output Scale
(Only if voltage selected)
5 or 10 (Default = 5)
Start up
When power is first applied to the device, a specific
sequence of events occurs to test the displays plus
indicate certain parameters.
The sequence is as follows:
• Test all LEDs – all LEDs light for 2 seconds and
then turn off
• Test all display segments – all display segments
light for 2 seconds and then turn off
• Display version # - display “1.00” on one of the
displays for 2 seconds
• Display selected protocol – display “Prot bAC”
or “Prot bUS”
• Display address - display “Addr 003”
• Display baud rate - display “bAUd 9600”
• Buzzer beeps 2 times
• Begin normal operation
c u r r
o u t
V o l t
o u t
CXXANA-01 04
Copyright © Greystone Energy Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Phone: +1 506 853 3057 Web: www.greystoneenergy.com