Dome Parts GmbH
Keltenstr. 2
86517 Wehringen,
phone: +49 8234 90 59 100
e-mail: [email protected]
... the observatory people
Movable rear wall (shutter):
Attach the two vertical shutter rails
with the enclosed screws, 28pcs.
Attach the guide rails from the top of
the wall, vertically (two photos's
below). The rails should be fixed
parallel to the rear wall. You must
determine the exact distance from
the rear wall by placing the roof in
the "closed" position. The two
triangular closing boards (roof, left &
right) should later coincide with the
shutter board.
With two people insert the shutter in
the rails from above. Place a short
square piece of wood under the
shutter, to keep it in place.
Make sure that all rollers engage in
the rails. You should check the gap
between the shutter and the outer
logs. If necessary, you can adjust by
changing roller distance. The brushes
attached to the side are only clamped
under the rollers.