2007 POWER FINDER™ Circuit Tracer
Greenlee Textron Inc. / Subsidiary of Textron Inc.
4455 Boeing Dr., Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA 815/397-7070
Connection for finding a short to ground
1) Turn the tripped breaker to the full off position. (If in a fuse
panel, remove, but do not replace, the blown fuse!)
2) Disconnect the shorted hot wire at its source (the fuse panel,
breaker panel, safety switch, power panel, switchgear, etc.).
3) Using an approved continuity-tester or multimeter, check the
affected wire to ensure that a short-to-ground exists.
4) Using the transmitter adapter plug, connect one alligator clip to
the shorted lead at its connection point in the panel.
Lockout electric power to any circuit before
connecting or disconnecting. Alert any
persons present of your work. Only you
may restore power!
Failure to lockout power may result in
electrocution or death.
An appropriate voltage tester, such as the Greenlee 6706,
6708, or 6709, must be used to verify the absence of voltage.