2007 POWER FINDER™ Circuit Tracer
Greenlee Textron Inc. / Subsidiary of Textron Inc.
4455 Boeing Dr., Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA 815/397-7070
Introduction ..................................................................................... 2
Safety Alert Symbol ........................................................................ 3
What the PowerFinder™ Will Do .................................................... 4
How the PowerFinder™ Operates ................................................. 5
How to Trace Live Circuits ......................................................... 6-13
How to Trace Dead and Shorted Circuits ................................ 14-17
PowerFinder™ High Voltage Adapter .......................................... 18
Specifications ................................................................................ 19
Warranty Information .................................................................... 20
French Version .............................................................................. 21
Spanish Version ............................................................................ 40
The PowerFinder™ Circuit Tracer is designed to be used by experi-
enced, trained electrical workers to identify and/or trace circuits. This
requires that the transmitter be integrated into the circuit being traced
or identified and that the circuit is powered by 9 to 300 volts AC or DC
(680 VAC or 1000 VDC when using the 38583 High Voltage Adapter).
The transmitter is designed to plug into a standard 120 V outlet. For
all other uses, a transmitter plug adapter with alligator clips and
attachable receptacle blades are included.