Laboratory Exhaust System
1. Mount roof curb to roof deck in accordance with
local codes.
2. Place the bypass air plenum (BAP) onto the secured
roof curb. Pre-drill pilot holes into the roof curb using
pre-existing holes in plenum as a guide. Use thread
cutters to add threads to holes in roof curb. Attach
the BAP to the roof curb with mounting hardware (by
If a BAP is not provided for the unit, skip to Step 4.
3. Install 3/16-inch thick x 1/2-inch wide, closed-cell
gasket on the top edge of BAP, adhesive side down
(gasket provided). Leave no gaps between gasket
sections to ensure a tight seal.
4. Place the panel of the fan housing onto the gasket
and BAP or onto roof curb if BAP is not provided.
Use thread cutters to add threads to holes, securing
with 1-inch moly-coated stainless steel screws. Must
use every hole for proper coverage.
5. Install the final nozzle subassemblies as shown in the
submittal drawing. Align flange bolt holes and fasten
sections using the 3/8-inch 316 stainless steel bolts,
washers, and lock washers provided.
6. Follow electrical connection and pre-start-up checks
as listed on pages 10 and 11.
System Assembly
When installing each section, be certain to rig each
section separately using the lifting lugs provided.
Stack Extensions
Systems with multiple stack extensions require all sections assembled and installed on site between the main fan
body and the discharge cone. Each section has guy wire attachment brackets located on the upper end of each
section. The order sections are installed in are universal. Gasketing (3/16 x 1/2 inch with sticky back) is provided and
is to be installed between each joining section.
Guy wires are required on system with multiple stack extensions. Location of connections, wiring and anchorage is
determined by a structural engineer.
Bolt and Washer
3/8 inch Stainless
Steel Fasteners
1 inch moly-coated stainless
steel screws