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All information included in this manual is relevant to your own safety and that of your environment. If you have any 
questions about the information included in this manual, consult a professional or contact the Authorised Service Centre.

The following information on hazards and precautions includes the most probable situations that may arise during 
the use of this machine. 

Check all the documentation, packaging and product labels before using it. If you encounter a situation not described in 
this manual use common sense to use the machine as safely as possible and, if you see any danger, do not use the machine.



This product has been designed to be handled by users of legal age who have read and understood these 
instructions. Do not allow underage persons or persons who do not understand these instructions to use the 


Before using this product, familiarize yourself with it. Make sure you know where all the controls are, the safety 
devices and how they should be used.


If you are an inexperienced user we recommend that you practice doing simple work and, if possible, in the 
company of an experienced person.



Do not force this machine. Use this machine, accessories, tools, etc. in accordance with these instructions taking 
into account the conditions and work to be performed. Using this machine for other than its intended purpose 
may cause a hazardous situation. 


Be alert, watch what you are doing when operating this machine.


Do not use this machine when you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication.


Avoid inhalation of exhaust gases. This machine produces dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide that can 
cause dizziness, fainting or death.


Check that all safety features are installed and in good condition. Do not use this machine if any of its components 
are damaged.


Always maintain proper foot support and balance at all times. Be careful when working or moving with the 
machine on slopes and be especially careful when changing direction on a slope. Do not use this machine on 
slopes higher than 15°.


Always hold the machine by the handles with both hands and always place your body behind it.


Before starting work on the machine, check that the burs are not in contact with any objects and that they can 
move freely.


Keep all body parts away from cutting elements and moving parts when the machine is running. 


Do not touch any of the engine components while the machine is running or just after it has stopped due to the 
high temperatures it reaches.


Do not operate the machine in rainy or extremely humid conditions. 


Do not leave this machine unattended during operation.



Dress appropriately. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that may get caught in moving parts. We recommend 
the use of:



Eye protection (safety glasses).



Hearing protection.



Head and face protection (helmet and mask).



Hand protection (resistant and non-slip gloves).



Foot protection (non-slip safety footwear).

Summary of Contents for 1000054

Page 1: ...ES Manual de instrucciones FR Manuel d utilisation IT Manuale di istruzioni EN Instruction manual DE Betriebsanleitung MOTOCULTOR GTC130X...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...el usuario y o en el propio producto El fabricante no se hace responsable de los accidentes y da os causados al usuario a terceras personas y a objetos como resultado de hacer caso omiso del contenido...

Page 4: ...maneje esta m quina No use esta m quina cuando est cansado o bajo la influencia de drogas alcohol o medicamentos Evite la inhalaci n de los gases de escape Esta m quina produce gases peligrosos como...

Page 5: ...los otros y mantenga una distancia suficiente para garantizar la seguridad Recuerde que el operador de la m quina es responsable de los peligros y accidentes causados a otras personas o cosas El fabri...

Page 6: ...almacenamiento de esta m quina Mantenga las empu aduras de esta m quina secas y limpias Si la m quina comienza a vibrar de modo extra o ap guela y exam nela para encontrar la causa Si no detecta la r...

Page 7: ...fuego o explosi n No fume o acerque llamas al combustible o a la m quina Compruebe que no existen fugas de combustible No use esta m quina en pendientes con m s de un 15 de desnivel Las personas que...

Page 8: ...DETALLADA DEL PRODUCTO NOTA Los productos detallados en este manual pueden variar en apariencia inclusiones descripci n y embalaje de los mostrados o aqu descritos 1 Buj a 2 Filtro de aire 3 Maneta de...

Page 9: ...ido Electr nico CDI Anchura de trabajo 25cm Profundidad de trabajo 15cm Peso 15Kg NOTA GREENCUT se reserva el derecho de modificar las caracter sticas t cnicas sin previo aviso MONTAJE PASO 1 FRESAS C...

Page 10: ...los y las tres tuercas de mariposa Aseg rese de que la cabeza c ncava est en el interior y las tres tuercas de mariposa est n en el exterior Fije las asas superiores de la misma manera que en la image...

Page 11: ...ras de uso durante su funcionamiento Mezcle s lo el combustible que necesitar No almacene el combustible durante m s de 30 d as Utilice solamente gasolina sin plomo 95 nueva Nunca utilice combustible...

Page 12: ...n ritmo adecuado para que las fresas tengan tiempo de ir desmenuzando la tierra CONSEJOS DE UTILIZACI N Las fresas en movimiento tirar n de la m quina hacia delante si usted contrarresta clavando m s...

Page 13: electrodos es correcta 0 6 0 7 mm IDENTIFICACI N Y SOLUCI N DE PROBLEMAS La tabla incluye algunos de los problemas m s comunes sus causas y remedios S NTOMA CAUSA PROBABLE ACCI N CORRECTIVA La m qu...

Page 14: ...dom stica Sus componentes de pl stico y de metal se pueden separar y reciclar Lleve este aparato a un centro de reciclado homologado punto verde La gasolina aceites usados mezclas de aceite gasolina...

Page 15: ...ctiva 2006 42 CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 17 de mayo de 2006 relativa a las m quinas y por la que se modifica la Directiva 95 16 CE Directiva 2014 30 UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Con...

Page 16: ...f rence ult rieure Si vous vendez ce produit n oubliez pas de remettre ce manuel au nouveau propri taire R GLES ET PR CAUTIONS DE S CURIT Les symboles et les mots indicateurs suivants ainsi que leur s...

Page 17: ...eillez ce que vous faites lorsque vous utilisez cette machine N utilisez pas cette machine lorsque vous tes fatigu ou sous l influence de drogues d alcool ou de m dicaments viter d inhaler les gaz d c...

Page 18: ...pour assurer la s curit Rappelez vous que l op rateur de la machine est responsable des dangers et des accidents caus s d autres personnes ou d autres choses Le fabricant n est en aucun cas responsabl...

Page 19: ...ez les poign es de cette machine s ches et propres Si la machine commence vibrer trangement teignez la et examinez la pour en d terminer la cause Si vous n en voyez pas la raison apportez votre machin...

Page 20: ...incendie ou d explosion Ne remplissez jamais le r servoir avec le moteur en marche Ne pas fumer ou allumer de flamme proximit de la machine V rifiez qu il n y ait pas de fuite de carburant N utilisez...

Page 21: ...E DU PRODUIT NOTE Les produits d crits dans ce manuel peuvent varier en apparence en inclusions en description et en emballage comme indiqu ou d crit ici 1 Bougie 2 Filtre air 3 Poign e de d marreur...

Page 22: ...ctronique Largeur de travail 25cm Profondeur de travail 15cm Poids 15Kg NOTE GREENCUT se r serve le droit de modifier les caract ristiques techniques sans pr avis ASSEMBLAGE TAPE 1 FRAISES Placez la b...

Page 23: ...e avec les vis et les trois crous oreilles Assurez vous que la t te concave est l int rieur et que les trois crous oreilles sont l ext rieur Fixez les poign es sup rieures de la m me mani re que sur...

Page 24: ...les 5 premi res heures d utilisation pendant le fonctionnement Ne m langez que le carburant dont vous aurez besoin Ne pas entreposer le carburant pendant plus de 30 jours N utilisez que de l essence...

Page 25: ...ur 6 Maintenir un rythme appropri pour que les fraises aient le temps d mietter le sol CONSEILS UTILES Les couteaux en mouvement tirent la machine vers l avant si vous contrecarrez cela en enfon ant l...

Page 26: ...cte 0 6 0 7 mm IDENTIFICATION ET R SOLUTION DE PROBL MES Le tableau comprend certains des probl mes les plus courants leurs causes et leurs rem des SYMPT ME CAUSE PROBABLE MESURE CORRECTIVE Les cloche...

Page 27: ...espect de l environnement Ne le jetez pas avec les ordures m nag res Ses composants en plastique et en m tal peuvent tre s par s et recycl s Apportez cet appareil un centre de recyclage agr point vert...

Page 28: ...t du Conseil Directive 2006 42 CE du Parlement europ en et du Conseil du 17 mai 2006 relative aux machines et modifiant la directive 95 16 CE Directive 2014 30 UE du Parlement europ en et du Conseil d...

Page 29: ...futuro Se vendete questo prodotto ricordatevi di consegnare questo manuale al nuovo proprietario NORME E PRECAUZIONI DI SICUREZZA I seguenti simboli e parole chiave e il loro significato hanno lo sco...

Page 30: ...ti pu causare situazioni di pericolo Prestare attenzione osservare ci che si sta facendo quando si utilizza la macchina Non utilizzare la macchina quando si stanchi o sotto l effetto di droghe alcol o...

Page 31: ...rollare sempre la posizione delle altre e mantenere una distanza sufficiente per garantire la sicurezza Ricordare che l operatore responsabile dei pericoli e degli incidenti che possono derivare a ter...

Page 32: degli accessori manutenzione trasporto o stoccaggio Tenere le maniglie della macchina asciutte e pulite Se la macchina inizia a vibrare stranamente spegnerla ed esaminarne la causa Se non si vede...

Page 33: ...mbustibile infiammabile Rischio di incendio o esplosione Non fumi o approssimi fiamme al combustibile o alla macchina Controlli che non ci siano perdite di combustibile Non usi questa macchina in pend...

Page 34: ...ONE DETTAGLIATA DEL PRODOTTO NOTA I prodotti descritti in questo manuale possono variare nell aspetto inclusioni descrizione e imballaggio da quelli mostrati o qui descritti 1 Candela 2 Filtro aria 3...

Page 35: ...Sistema di accensione CDI elettronico Larghezza di lavoro 25cm Profondit di lavoro 15cm Peso 15Kg NOTA GREENCUT si riserva il diritto di modificare le caratteristiche tecniche senza preavviso MONTAGG...

Page 36: ...ssare il telaio della maniglia con le viti e i dadi ad alette Assicurarsi che la testa concava sia all interno e i tre dadi ad alette all esterno Fissare le maniglie superiori come in figura Fissare i...

Page 37: ...unzionamento Mescolare solo il carburante necessario Non conservare il carburante per pi di 30 giorni Usare solo benzina nuova senza piombo 95 Non utilizzare mai carburante vecchio o contaminato per m...

Page 38: ...n modo che le fragole hanno il tempo di sbriciolare il terreno ISTRUZIONI PER L USO Le frese mobili spingono la macchina in avanti se si controbilancia questo fenomeno spingendo lo sperone della zappa...

Page 39: IDENTIFICAZIONE E SOLUZIONE DEI PROBLEMI La tabella include alcuni dei problemi pi comuni le loro cause e i rimedi SINTOMA CAUSA PROBABILE AZIONE CORRETTIVA Il campanello della macchina Segmentos...

Page 40: ...gica Non lo getti nei rifiuti domestici I suoi componenti in plastica e di metallo possono essere separati e riciclati Porti questo dispositivo in un centro di riciclaggio omologato punto verde La ben...

Page 41: ...bili Direttiva 2006 42 CE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 17 maggio 2006 relativa alle macchine e che modifica la direttiva 95 16 CE Direttiva 2014 30 UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consig...

Page 42: ...nal use Keep this instruction manual for future reference If you sell this product remember to give this manual to the new owner SAFETY RULES AND PRECAUTIONS The following symbols and signal words and...

Page 43: ...may cause a hazardous situation Be alert watch what you are doing when operating this machine Do not use this machine when you are tired or under the influence of drugs alcohol or medication Avoid inh...

Page 44: ...ys check the location of the others and keep a sufficient distance to ensure safety Remember that the machine operator is responsible for hazards and accidents caused to other people or things The man...

Page 45: ...hine Keep the handles of this machine dry and clean If the machine starts to vibrate strangely turn it off and examine it for the cause If you do not see the reason take your machine to the Official T...

Page 46: ...ot smoke Keep the machine and fuel away from naked flames Check that there are no fuel leaks Do not use this machine on slopes with more than a 15 gradient Keep unprotected people away and at a safe d...

Page 47: ...bility DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT NOTE The products detailed in this manual may vary in appearance inclusions description and packaging as shown or described here 1 Spark plug 2 Air filter 3...

Page 48: ...anual Ignition system Electronic CDI Working width 25cm Working depth 15cm Weight 15Kg NOTE GREENCUT reserves the right to modify the technical data without prior notice ASSEMBLY STEP 1 CUTTERS Place...

Page 49: ...ndle frame with the screws and three wing nuts Make sure the concave head is on the inside and the three wing nuts are on the outside Attach the top handles in the same way as in the picture Tie the t...

Page 50: ...he first 5 hours of use during operation Mix only the fuel you will need Do not store fuel for more than 30 days Use only new unleaded 95 gasoline Never use old or contaminated fuel to mix with 2 stro...

Page 51: ...strawberries have time to crumble the soil INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE The moving cutters will pull the machine forward if you counteract this by driving the spur of the motor hoe further into the ground the...

Page 52: ...TING The table includes some of the most common problems their causes and remedies SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION The machine bells Worn segments Send your machine to Technical Service Used...

Page 53: ...t with household waste Its plastic and metal components can be separated and recycled Take this appliance to an approved recycling centre green dot Gasoline used oils oil gasoline blends and objects s...

Page 54: ...l Directive 2006 42 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery and amending Directive 95 16 EC Directive 2014 30 EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2...

Page 55: ...ahren Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung zum sp teren Nachschlagen auf Wenn Sie dieses Produkt verkaufen denken Sie daran dieses Handbuch dem neuen Besitzer zu bergeben SICHERHEITSBESTIMMUNGEN UND VORSICHT...

Page 56: ...auszuf hrenden Arbeiten Die Verwendung dieses Ger ts f r einen anderen als den vorgesehenen Zweck kann zu einer gef hrlichen Situation f hren Seien Sie wachsam beobachten Sie was Sie tun wenn Sie dies...

Page 57: ...e Arbeit von zwei oder mehr Personen gleichzeitig ausgef hrt wird berpr fen Sie immer den Standort der anderen und halten Sie einen ausreichenden Abstand um die Sicherheit zu gew hrleisten Denken Sie...

Page 58: ...fe dieser Maschine trocken und sauber Wenn die Maschine seltsam zu vibrieren beginnt schalten Sie sie aus und untersuchen Sie sie um die Ursache zu finden Wenn Sie den Grund nicht finden bringen Sie I...

Page 59: ...ff Brand und Explosionsgefahr Rauchen Sie nicht und lassen Sie keine Flammen in der N he des Kraftstoffs oder der Maschine Auf Kraftstoffleckagen pr fen Verwenden Sie diese Maschine nicht an H ngen mi...

Page 60: ...ILLIERTE PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG NOTIZ Die in diesem Handbuch beschriebenen Produkte k nnen in Aussehen Einschl ssen Beschreibung und Verpackung von den hier gezeigten oder beschriebenen Produkten abweich...

Page 61: ...CDI Arbeitsbreite 25cm Arbeitstiefe 15cm Gewicht 15Kg NOTIZ GREENCUT beh lt sich das Recht vor die technischen Daten ohne vorherige Ank ndigung zu ndern MONTIEREN SCHRITT 1 BOHRER Stellen Sie den Mot...

Page 62: ...den Schrauben und drei Fl gelmuttern Stellen Sie sicher dass der konkave Kopf auf der Innenseite und die drei Fl gelmuttern auf der Au enseite sind Befestigen Sie die oberen Griffe auf die gleiche We...

Page 63: ...rmal dass ein neuer Motor w hrend der ersten 5 Betriebsstunden Rauch abgibt Mischen Sie nur den Brennstoff den Sie ben tigen Kraftstoff nicht l nger als 30 Tage lagern Verwenden Sie nur neues bleifrei...

Page 64: ...e Erdbeeren Zeit haben den Boden zu zerbr ckeln GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG Die beweglichen Messer ziehen die Maschine nach vorne wenn Sie dem entgegenwirken indem Sie den Sporn der Motorhacke weiter in den Bo...

Page 65: einige der h ufigsten Probleme ihre Ursachen und Abhilfen SYMPTOM WAHRSCHEINLICHE URSACHE ABHILFEMA NAHME Die Maschinenglocken Verschlissene Segmente Schicken Sie Ihre Maschine an den Technischen...

Page 66: ...Ressourcen zu schonen Entsorgen Sie das Ger t umweltgerecht Nicht im Hausm ll entsorgen Seine Kunststoff und Metallteile k nnen getrennt und recycelt werden Bringen Sie dieses Ger t zu einem zugelass...

Page 67: ...tlinie 2006 42 EG des Europ ischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 17 Mai 2006 ber Maschinen und zur nderung der Richtlinie 95 16 EG Richtlinie 2014 30 EU des Europ ischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26...

Page 68: ...www greencut es Manual revisado en marzo de 2020...
