Gree MG30-24/D1(B) Installation And Operation Manual Download Page 52

BACnet Gateway Kit for Central Air Conditioners


1) Present_Value is ACTIVE, the wired or wireless controller is disabled to set the room 


2) Present_Value is ACTIVE,the BMS is enabled to control the room temperature.

(14) Remote mode shield mark(setting)

Member number :13
Object name:RemoteModeShieldCommand_XX_YYY_ZZ (XX means Air condition type,like 

GMV is 01;YYY means Outdoor Unit's number, like GMV is between 001 and 004 now;ZZ means 
Indoor Unit's number, like GMV is between 01 and 16 now, otherwise 00 means deviceYYY's 

Object type:Binary Value
Object ID: BV(5)+YYY*8192+ZZ*64+4
Instance Number: YYY*8192+ZZ*64+4
Description: this object is used to enable or disable the wired or wireless controller to set the 

running mode the unit. 

ACTIVE: Shield
INACTIVE: Without shield 
Note :
1) When Present_Value is ACTIVE, the wired or wireless controller is disabled to set the 

running mode of the unit.

2) When Present_Value is ACTIVE, the BMS is enabled to control the running mode of the unit.

(15) Remote On/Off shield mark (setting)

Member number :14
Object name:RemoteOnOffShieldCommand_XX_YYY_ZZ (XX means Air condition type,like 

GMV is 01;YYY means Outdoor Unit 's number, like GMV is between 001 and 004 now;ZZ means 
Indoor Unit's number ,like GMV is between 01 and 16 now, otherwise 00 means device YYY's 

Object type: Binary Value
Object ID: BV(5)+YYY*8192+ZZ*64+5
Instance Number: YYY*8192+ZZ*64+5
Description: this object is used to enable the wired or wireless controller to start or stop the unit.
INACTIVE:Without shield 
Note :
1) When Present_Value is ACTIVE, the wired or wireless controller is enabled to start or stop 

the unit.

2) When Present_Value is ACTIVE, the BMS is enabled to control the start or stop of the unit.

(16) RemoteLockCommand_XX_YYY_ZZ

Member number :15
Object name:RemoteLockCommand_XX_YYY_ZZ (XX means Air condition type,like GMV 

is 01;YYY means Outdoor Unit's number, like GMV is between 001 and 004 now; ZZ means 

Summary of Contents for MG30-24/D1(B)

Page 1: ...D1 B BACnet Gateway Kit MG30 24 D1 B for Central Air Conditioners 珠 海 格 力 电 器 股 份 有 限 公 司 GREE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES INC OF ZHUHAI 为了正确使用本产品 请在使用前仔细阅读本使用说明书 并妥善保存以供今后参考 Please read this manual carefully before using this product and keep it properly for future reference ...

Page 2: ... 产品整体效果图 6 三 使用说明 6 1 接口 6 1 1 电源接口 6 1 2 模块安装接口 6 1 3 通讯接口 7 2 指示灯 7 2 1 电源指示灯 7 2 2 PCD 控制器 CPU 模块 PCD3 M6340 指示灯 7 2 3 WEB Server 控制器指示灯 8 3 工程安装说明 9 3 1 BACnet 网关安装在电控柜中侧面示意说明 9 3 2 BACnet 网关安装在电控柜中正面示意说明 9 3 3 BACnet 网关的网络拓扑图 9 3 4 BACnet 网关与上层 BACnet 通讯设备的连接方式 11 3 5 BACnet 网关与下层通讯模块设备的连接方式 12 四 注意事项 12 ...

Page 3: ...区域 具体操作示例见英文版附录 A Appendix A 对于 BACnet 网关的 BACnet IP 楼宇接口和 Web 服务器两种功能的介绍分别描述如下 2 1 BACnet IP 楼宇接口功能 BACnet 网关支持符合 ANSI ASHARE Standard 135 2008 BACnet2008 标准的 BACnet IP 接口协议 并 且通过了 BTL 认证 BACnet 网关的 PICS 声明和协议详述见英文版附录 B Appendix B 支持的空调各种设备类型的参数如下 空调设备类型 参数名称 空调设备类型 参数名称 GMV 室内机 参数说明 远程屏蔽指所 屏蔽的参数仅 远程监控可控 制 远程锁定 指屏蔽所有参 数 仅远程监 控可控制 多联机内机故障总标志 GMV 室外机 多联机外机故障总标志 多联机内机故障码 多联机外机故障码 多联机内机环境温度 多联机外机环境温度...

Page 4: ...标准浏览器上即可访问 Web 界面 详细操作说明见 Web Server 的帮助文档 2 2 1 使用环境要求 1 操作系统 windows 操作系统 苹果操作系统 LINUX UNIX 操作系统 2 浏览器 支持 JAVA 技术的浏览器 如 IE CHROME NETSCAPE FIREFOX 等 3 语言支持 简体中文及英文 黑体 4 Java 虚拟机安装 如果浏览器无法打开网页 请先从 Java 官网 www java com 下载 Java 虚拟机 安装后便可正常使用 5 最低硬件配置要求 CPU Pentium 400 MHz RAM 128MB 硬盘 10GB 2 2 2 登陆界面和主界面示意如下 具体以实际运行界面为准 ...

Page 5: ...中央空调 BACnet 网关套件安装使用说明书 3 ...

Page 6: ...ER 模件 PCD3 R600 Battery Module 模件 含纽扣电池 注意电池正极朝外 PCD 控制器 BACnet 模件 PCD7 R560 PCD 控制器 SD 卡 PCD7 R SD1024 1 2 3 4 5 图 2 1 BACnet 网关套件 MG30 24 D1 B 产品各个模块实物图 2 产品尺寸 格力中央空调 BACnet 网关套件 MG30 24 D1 B 产品尺寸示意图如下 单位 mm 图 2 2 BACnet 网关套件 MG30 24 D1 B 产品尺寸图 类型 描述 重量 PCD3 M6340 BACnet 网关主控制器 支持 Web 服务器功能 控制器掉 电时纽扣电池可保护网关数据 1 3 年 560g ...

Page 7: ... SLOT0 插槽 装入 Battery Module 模件 含纽扣电池 注意电池正极朝外 到 Batt Module 插槽 装入 PCD 控制器 BACnet 模件 PCD7 R560 到 M1 插槽 标准 RJ45 网络接口 10M 100M 自适应 Ethernet 连接网线到 BAS 系统 24VDC GND 电源线连接 1 2 3 4 5 图 2 3 BACnet 网关套件 MG30 24 D1 B 产品各个模块安装图 备注 装入 PCD 控制器 SD 卡 PCD7 R SD1024 到 PCD3 R600 中操作示意如下 1 图 2 4 PCD 控制器 WEB SERVER 模件 PCD3 R600 装入 SD 卡图 ...

Page 8: ...明 24V GND 接线端子 PIN7 24VDC 24V 直流输入 1 2 模块安装接口 如图2 5所示 BACnet网关左方打开壳盖 可以看到M1 M2 Batt Module插口 BACnet网关右方打开壳盖 从左到右分为 4 个插口分别为 Slot0 Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 如图所示 已将 PCD3 R600 插入 Slot0 丝印 端子 端子引脚 接口说明 M1 M2 插口 Socket M1 或 Socket M2 选 择 任 一一个端子接入 BACnet 卡件 接入 PCD 控制器 BACnet 模件 PCD7 R560 Batt Module 插口 接 入 主 控 制 器 PCD3 M6340 包 含 Battary Module 卡件 接入 Battary Module 带纽扣电池 Slot0 Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 卡座插口 选择 Slot0 卡...

Page 9: ... O C 开关拨码 Switch position 0 Left 没有加匹配电阻 C Right 加匹配电阻 MODBUS 端匹配电阻添加选择按钮 默认拨为 C 即加匹配电阻 Ethernet 标准 RJ45 网络接口 Ethernet BACnet 网关与 BAS 系统连接接线端子 2 指示灯 2 1 电源指示灯 如图3 1所示 丝印Power指示灯为电源指示灯 Power指示灯被点亮红色表示BACnet网关电源已连接好 否则表示 BACnet 网关电源未连接好 2 2 PCD 控制器 CPU 模块 PCD3 M6340 指示灯 图 3 1 电源模块指示灯示意图 CPU 类型 PCD3 Mxxxx 电源模块 LED 电源 运行 停止 故障 颜色 红 绿 红 黄 运行 运行指令 故障运行 故障运行指令 停止 故障停止 暂停 系统诊断 无电源 电压 LED 熄灭 LED 点亮 LED 闪烁 ...

Page 10: ...器使 PGU 停止运行 条件运行 设置条件得到满足时 故障停止 同 停止 但带有故障 暂停 以下情况下将出现暂停状态 运行暂停指令 用户程序出现严重故障 硬件故障 没有加载程序 在 S Bus PGU 或网关主接口上没有通讯模块 系统诊断 如果 PLC 两分钟后没有运行 模块需发回制造商进行维修 重设 以下情况将出现重设 电源电压过低 固件没有运行 2 3 WEB Server 控制器指示灯 BCD开关 LED指示灯 闪存卡插槽 开关 图 3 2 PCD 控制器 WEB SERVER 模件 PCD3 R600 指示灯示意图 带有 5 个 LED 指示灯的储存卡模块 LED 说明 User 用户指示灯 根据模块的基址由用户程序进行设置 SET 关 RES 开 Diag 出现故障时 指示灯闪烁 Write Prot 当检测到 写入保护 时 指示灯亮 只读 SD 开关 BCD 开关或软件 Bus...

Page 11: ...入正确的安装位置 且朝 CPU 底部或模块底托向下压 为了安全和防止网关安装不当 可使用导轨 在某些不方便的情况下 网关可使用螺丝钉固定 螺丝钉型号 自动螺丝 3 8mm 可从五金店购买 定位槽 用另外的 螺丝固定 锁扣 图 3 4 BACnet 网关正面示意图 3 3 BACnet 网关的网络拓扑图 网络拓扑结构见下图 3 6 整个系统由两部分通讯网络构成 机组内部网络和 BACnet IP 网络 两个网 络通过 BACnet 网关桥接 使两个网络的通讯数据可以互相交换 一个 BACnet 网关能接 4 个通讯模块 也就是能接 4 套多联机机组 支持 64 个内机 下述以某一种通讯模块为例 具体以实际通讯模块拨码方式为准 通讯模块内部 8 位拔码开关用来设置 设备地址 在 PCB 板上地址拨码由 SA2 和 SA3 组成 实际使用时 底壳标识为 DIP1 拨码拨到 ON 端表示 0 拨到...

Page 12: ...P1 拨码表 通讯模块地址 3 有效 通讯模块地址 4 有效 图 3 5 BACnet 网关连接的通讯模块设备有效地址拨码示意图 注 当多联机机组数量大于 4 套时 BMS 系统可以再使用一个网关搭建新的网络 消防 通风 配电 电梯 BMS楼宇自控系统 照明 Internet BACnet IP协议 COM2 COM1 COM2 COM2 COM1 COM2 COM2 COM1 COM2 内机1 焊接点 外机 控制柜 L1 L2 L2 L1 L1 L2 内机2 内机16 内机1 焊接点 外机 内机2 内机16 内机1 焊接点 外机 内机2 内机16 通讯模块1 通讯模块4 WEB客户端 L3 HUB L3 Intranet BACnet IP协议 其它BACnet Gateway BACnet Gateway BACnet Gateway 图 3 6 BACnet 网关网络拓扑 ...

Page 13: ... RJ45 网口间通用网线 3 BMS BACnet IP 系统和 BACnet Gateway 所能提供的 WEB Server 功能可以同时使用 3 4 BACnet 网关与上层 BACnet 通讯设备的连接方式 3 4 1 网口连接的示意图 1 RJ45 网口平行网线连接方式 2 RJ45 网口交叉网线连接方式 3 4 2 BACnet 网关与 PC 机客户端连接的示意图 1 采用交叉网线 BACnet 网关直接对接 PC 机 10BASE T 或 100BASE TX 交叉网线 2 采用平行网线 BACnet 网关通过 HUB 对接 PC 机 10BASE T 或 100BASE TX 平行网线 HUB ...

Page 14: ...Cnet 网关与通讯模块设备连接距离超过 800m 时 需要选配中继器套件 中继器之间通讯线最大距离是800m 四 注意事项 1 确保电源适配器的规格 否则 BACnet 网关将不能正常工作甚至被损坏 2 确保设备装配到正确位置 否则将通讯故障 3 确保通讯线接入正确的接口 否则将通讯故障 4 用焊锡加固连接通讯线后 应使用绝缘胶布保护 以免氧化 短路 5 BACnet 网关正常工作环境要求 温度 0 55 湿度小于等于 95 安装在室内 推荐安装 在电控柜中 避免阳光直晒 雨雪等 6 警示 如果工作环境不满足以上要求 BACnet 网关可能工作异常 7 为有效保护客户的访问权限 客户使用 BACnet 网关的 WEB 服务器功能时 需及时修改 WEB 服务器的 访问密码 8 格力保留产品升级时不另行通知的权利 ...

Page 15: ...珠 海 格 力 电 器 股 份 有 限 公 司 Gree Electric Appliances Inc of Zhuhai 地址 珠海市前山金鸡西路 邮编 519070 Tel 4008 365 315 0756 8617555 客户服务中心 http www gree com 64134100001 01 ...

Page 16: 7 3 Operation Instructions 7 3 1 Interfaces 7 3 2 Indicating LEDs 8 3 3 Installation Instructions 10 4 Precautions 15 Appendixes 16 Appendix A TCP IP Property Setting 16 Appendix B BACnet Protocol 18 Appendix C Indoor Unit Error Codes 46 Appendix D Outdoor Unit Error Codes 47 Appendix E Specific Error Codes for the GMV Water Heater 49 Appendix F Water Tank Control Shielding Codes 50 ...

Page 17: the BACnet gateway through the Internet browser Web Server Default Login Address http 192 168 1 150 Web Server Default Login Username admin Web Server Default Login Password null After logging in the Web page these properties listed above are allowed to be modified Note When visiting the BACnet gateway it is required to adjust the TCP IP properties of the client side equipment like PC to be com...

Page 18: ... Indoor unit mode setting On Off status On Off setting Fan Speed status Fan Speed setting Swing setting Energy saving setting Remote temp shield mark setting Remote mode shield mark setting Remote On Off shield mark setting Remote lock mark all shield setting GMV Outdoor Units Outdoor unit general error mark Outdoor unit error code Outdoor environment temp Complete machine compressor state GMV Wat...

Page 19: ... Conditions 1 Operation System Windows Mac LINUX UNIX 2 Browser Browsers which support JAVA like IE CHROME NETSCASPE FIREBOX etc 3 Supportive Language Simplified Chinese and English 4 Installation of the JAVA virtual machine when the browser fails to access to the web page please download the JAVA virtual machine at first from the official website www java com then install it properly after that t...

Page 20: ...2 1 Parts Drawing See the following real image drawing of each module of the BACnet Gateway MG30 24 D1 B CPU Module PCD3 M6340 Web Server Module PCD3 R600 Battery Module incl button cell with the positive electrode outward BACnet Module PCD 7 R560 SD Card PCD 7 R SD1024 ...

Page 21: ...imensions of the BACnet Gateway MG30 24 D1 B Unit mm Type Description Weight PCD3 M6340 PLC with 1 MB of user memory with Run Stop switch Back up option with PCD7 R500 Flash Card USB port for PG5 Max 1023 digital I Os 2 interrupts Web Server RS232 RS485 for Profi S Net CAN interface Data protection 1 3 years with Lithium battery 560g Fig 2 2 Dimension Drawing of BACnet Gateway MG30 24 D1 B ...

Page 22: ...cial slot Install the BACnet module PCD7 R560 at M1 Standard RJ45 interface 10M 100M self adaptive to the Ethernet linked to the BAS through the communication line 24VDC GND used to connect the power cord 1 2 3 4 5 Fig 2 3 Installation Drawing of Each Module of the BACnet Gateway MG30 24 D1 B Note See the following drawing for how to install the SD card into the Web server module PCD3 R600 1 Fig 2...

Page 23: ...ise the BACnet gateway would be damaged Printed Mark Terminal Pin Description 24V GND Wiring Terminal 24VDC 24V DC Input 3 1 2 Module Installation Interfaces As shown in Fig 2 5 when the left cover is opened the interfaces of M1 M2 and Batt Module can be seen when the right cover is opened the interfaces from left to right are Slot0 Solt1 Slot2 and Slot3 in which case PCD3 R600 has been inserted i...

Page 24: ... 0 Left without the matched resistance C Right with the matched resistance It is used to set if the matched resistance is connected or not It is defaulted to be set to C Ethernet RJ45 Network Interface Ethernet Communication Interface used for the communication line which connects the BACnet gateway and the BAS 3 2 Indicating LEDs 3 2 1 Power Indicating LED As shown in Fig 3 1 the printed mark Pow...

Page 25: ...e A condition has been set in the debugger Run until which has not yet been met Run with error Same as Run but with an error message Run cond with error Same as conditional Run but with an error message Stop The Stop state occurs in the following cases Programming unit in PGU mode connected when the CPU was switched on PGU stopped by programming unit Condition for a COND RUN has been met Stop with...

Page 26: ... on Activity Works as with a hard disk drive flashes when data being processed Note Do not remove the card when the Busy LED is on 3 3 Installation Instructions 3 3 1 Side View of the Installation and Removal of the BACnet Gateway The PCD3 CPUs and module holders can be snapped onto a 35 mm Top hat rail according to DIN EN60715 TH35 formerly DIN EN50022 Mounting the PCD3 on the top hat rail Press ...

Page 27: ... also be secured with a screw Screw type self tapping 3x8mm standard type obtainable from hardware stores Locks Loaction slots For additional screw fixing Fig 3 4 Front View of the Installation and Removal of the BACnet Gateway 3 3 3 Network Topology See Fig 3 6 for the network topology The whole system consists of the internal network of the air conditioning unit and BACnet IP network through whi...

Page 28: ... opposite end Once the communication module is integrated with the BANnet gateway its address range is 1 thru 4 See the Operation Instruction of the Communication Module for more details about the setting of the DIP switch Communication Address 1 Communication Address 2 Communication Address 3 Communication Address 4 Fig 3 5 Address DIP Switch Setting of the Communication Module Note when the quan...

Page 29: ... Gateway BACnet Gateway BACnet Gateway Soldering Point Soldering Point OD Unit OD Unit Fig 3 6 BACnet Network Topology 1 The communication module shown above is just taken as example and always see the real communication module for the actual interfaces 2 As shown in the figure above L3 represents the universal communication line between RJ45 interfaces 3 The Web Server function provided by BMS BA...

Page 30: ...rection Connection via the Hub with the Parallel Communication Line 10BASE T or 100BASE TX Parallel Communication Line HUB 3 3 5 Connection between the BACnet Gateway and the Lower Communication Device 3 3 5 1 Take some communication module as an example however always see the real interfaces located at the communication module for actual connection COM2 Side View of the Communication Module Twist...

Page 31: ...cted to the correct interface otherwise it would lead to communication error 4 After secured through soldering the communication line should be protected with the insulating tape so as to avoid oxidization and short circuiting 5 Working Conditions for BACnet gateway Temperature 0 55 Humidity equal to or less than 95 Located in the room esp the electric control cabinet to avoid direct sunlight ran ...

Page 32: ...ose the Local Area Connection on PC Click the Properties Choose the option Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP IPv4 Choose the Use the following IP address and set the TCP IP properties DNS server addresses is not required to be set but keeps the default setting Click OK and the setting is finished 1 2 3 ...

Page 33: ...BACnet Gateway Kit for Central Air Conditioners 17 4 5 6 ...

Page 34: ...he physical data link network and applicationlayers of the OSI model BACnet Layers Equivalent OSI Layers BACnet Application Layer BACnet Network Layer ISO 8802 2 IEEE 802 2 Type 1 MS TP PTP LonTalk BVLL ISO 8802 3 IEEE 802 3 ARCNET EIA 485 EIA 232 UDP IP BACnet is defined for several physical layers BACnet IP has only later been added to the original group 1 3 BACnet device profiles Today 6 device...

Page 35: ...ccess Door Object Type 257 12 12 Event Enrollment Object Type 188 12 27 Event Log Object Type 264 12 13 File Object Type 193 12 28 Load Control Object Type 270 12 14 Group Object Type 195 12 29 Structured View Object Type 279 12 15 Life Safety Point Object Type 197 12 30 Trend Log Multiple Object Type 281 1 5 BACnet services BACnet services are divided into five segments 1 Alarm and event Services...

Page 36: ...rotocol Revision 1 4 2 1 Product Description The BACnet gateway applied for GREE GMV units links the unit s internal network with the BACnet IP network and also provides BACnet BAS interfaces which enable the unit to be seamlessly integrated into the third party s BAS 2 2 BACnet Standardized Device Profile Appendix L BACnet Operator Workstation B OWS BACnet Building Controller B BC BACnet Advanced...

Page 37: ...Network Management Router Configuration B NM RC B 2 4 Segmentation Capability Able to transmit segmented messages Window Size 16 Able to receive segmented messages Window Size 16 2 5 Standard Object Types Supported 1 Standard Object Types Supported Analog Input Object Dynamically Creatable Dynamically Deleteable Optional Properties Supported Writable Properties Proprietary Properties Description D...

Page 38: ...t_Time_Stamps Present_Value COV_Increment Time_Delay High_Limit Low_Limit Deadband Limit_Enable Event_Enable 3 Standard Object Types Supported Binary Input Object Dynamically Creatable Dynamically Deleteable Optional Properties Supported Writable Properties Proprietary Properties Description Device_Type Reliability Inactive_Text Active_Text Change_Of_State_Time C h a n g e _ O f _ S t a t e _ Coun...

Page 39: ...ass Feedback_Value Event_Enable Acked_Transitions Notify_Type Event_Time_Stamps Present_Value Time_Delay Event_Enable 5 Standard Object Types Supported Binary Value Object Dynamically Creatable Dynamically Deleteable Optional Properties Supported Writable Properties Proprietary Properties Description Reliability Inactive_Text Active_Text Change_Of_State_Time Change_Of_State_Count Time_Of_State_Cou...

Page 40: ...erties Proprietary Properties Description Reliability State_Text Priority_Array Relinquish_Default Time_Delay Notification_Class Alarm_Values Fault_Values Event_Enable Acked_Transitions Notify_Type Event_Time_Stamps Present_Value Time_Delay Alarm_Values Fault_Values Event_Enable 2 6 Data Link Layer Options BACnet IP Appendix J BACnet IP Appendix J Foreign Device ISO 8802 3 Ethernet Clause 7 ATA 87...

Page 41: ... listed as follows Object number Object Type Hexadecimal format Decimal format Air conditioner Parameter name 0 Analog Input X 0000 0000 0 Indoor unit environment Temp Water tank temp status Double Tube supply Water Temp Outdoor environment temp 1 Analog Output X 0040 0000 4194304 2 Analog Value X 0080 0000 8388608 Indoor unit Temp setting Water tank temp setting Floor Heating supply Water Setting...

Page 42: ...0 62914560 16 Program X 0400 0000 67108864 17 Schedule X 0440 0000 71303168 18 Averaging X 0480 0000 75497472 19 Multistate Value X 04C0 0000 79691776 Indoor unit mode setting Fan Speed setting Water tank setting Water tank mode setting Water tank control shielding code setting 20 Trend Log X 0500 0000 83886080 21 Life Safety Point X 0540 0000 88080384 22 Life Safety Zone X 0580 0000 92274688 23 A...

Page 43: ...GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Unit s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now this means the communication module s address ZZ means Indoor Unit s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now otherwise 00 means device YYY s Parameters For instance IndoorUnitModeCommand_01_001_01 On Off setting of the GMV outdoor unit 1 and indoor unit 1 IndoorUnitModeCommand_01_001_16 On Off setting point of the GMV o...

Page 44: ...XX_YYY_ZZ BV 5 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 BV 12 Energy saving setting EnergySavingCommand_XX_YYY_ ZZ BV 5 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 BV 13 R e m o t e t e m p s h i e l d mark setting RemoteTempShieldCommand_XX_ YYY_ZZ BV 5 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 3 BV 14 Remote mode shield mark setting RemoteModeShieldCommand_XX_ YYY_ZZ BV 5 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 4 BV 15 Remote On Off shield mark setting RemoteOnOffShieldCommand_XX_ YYY_ZZ BV 5 YYY...

Page 45: ...ode_XX_YYY_ZZ MI 13 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 4 MI 32 Outdoor environment temp OutdoorEnvironmentTemp_XX_YYY_ ZZ AI 0 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 3 AI 33 C o m p l e t e m a c h i n e compressor state CompleteMachineCompressorState_ XX_YYY_ZZ BI 3 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 5 BI Table 3 2 2 Parameter number Instance Number Present_Value Units Min_ Pres_ Value Max_ Pres_ Value Resolution Parameters of GMV Indoor Units 1 YYY 8192 ZZ 6...

Page 46: ... s 3 5 5 8 t h e u p p e r limit can be adjusted to 65 2 Energy saving mode 35 50 3 High temp sterilization mode 65 70 21 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 7 off 8 heat preservation and standby 9 heating water 22 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 7 off 8 heat preservation and standby 9 heating water 23 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 3 1 energy saving mode mode 2 reservation mode mode 3 night mode 4 hot water mode 24 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 1 energy savi...

Page 47: ...e 1 When some error occurs to any one of the indoor unit Present_Value property will turn to ACTIVE and raise an alarm 2 Present_Value property is defaulted to be INACTIVE 3 Indoor unit error code Member number 2 Object name IndoorUnitErrorCode_XX_YYY_ZZ XX means Air condition type like GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Units s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now ZZ means Indoor Units s number li...

Page 48: ...ts degrees Celsius or Min_Pres_Value 20 Max_Pres_Value 100 Resolution 1 Note 5 Indoor unit mode status Member number 4 Object name IndoorUnitModeStatus_XX_YYY_ZZ XX means Air condition type like GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Units s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now ZZ means Indoor Units s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now otherwise 00 means deviceYYY s Parameters Object type Multist...

Page 49: ... otherwise 00 means deviceYYY s Parameters Object type Binary Input Object ID BI 3 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 Instance Number YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 Description It is used to monitor the on off status of the indoor unit Present_Value ACTIVE On INACTIVE Off Note 1 When the unit runs normally Present_Value wil reflect the real time on off status of the unit 8 On Off setting Member number 7 Object name OnOffCommand_...

Page 50: ... fan speed 10 Fan Speed setting Member number 9 Object name FanSpeedCommand_XX_YYY_ZZ XX means Air condition type like GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Units s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now ZZ means Indoor Units s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now otherwise 00 means deviceYYY s Parameters Object type Multistate Value Object ID MV 19 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 Instance Number YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 ...

Page 51: ...n this object is used to monitor the energy saving setting of the indoor unit Present_Value ACTIVE On INACTIVE Off Notes 1 the Present_Value can reflect the real time energy saving setting of the unit That is it varies as the change of the energy saving setting of the wired controller or the wires controller 2 When Present_Value is ACTIVE under either the COOL or HEAT mode the unit will run among ...

Page 52: ...set the running mode of the unit 2 When Present_Value is ACTIVE the BMS is enabled to control the running mode of the unit 15 Remote On Off shield mark setting Member number 14 Object name RemoteOnOffShieldCommand_XX_YYY_ZZ XX means Air condition type like GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Unit s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now ZZ means Indoor Unit s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now o...

Page 53: ...ans Indoor Unit s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now otherwise 00 means device YYY s Parameters Object type Binary Input Object ID BI 3 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 Instance Number YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 Description this object is used to monitor the special error mark of the GMV water heater unit Present_Value ACTIVE with INACTIVE without Note 1 As for the GMV water heater unit it includes both the special w...

Page 54: ... YYY means Outdoor Unit s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now ZZ means Indoor Unit s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now otherwise 00 means device YYY s Parameters Object type Analog Input Object ID AI 0 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 Instance Number YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 Description this object is used to monitor the water tank temperature status of the GMV water heater Present_Value Hot Water Night Res...

Page 55: ...bject type Analog Value Object ID AV 2 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 Instance Number YYY 8192 ZZ 64 1 Description this object is used to monitor the temperature setting of the water tank of the GMV heater water Present_Value Hot Water Night Reserve modes 35 58 the upper limit can be adjusted to 65 Energy saving mode 35 50 High temp sterilization mode 65 70 Units degrees Celsius or Notes 1 The temperature setti...

Page 56: ...Value 7 off 8 heat preservation and standby 9 heating water Note 1 Present_Value 7 and 8 can be set successfully only when they comply with the temperature control logic of the unit 2 This parameter is only for the GMV water heater 24 Water tank mode status Member number 23 Object name WaterTankModeStatus_XX_YYY_ZZ XX means Air condition type like GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Unit s number like GMV...

Page 57: ...change of the water tank mode setting of the wired controller or the wires controller 2 This parameter is only for the GMV water heater 26 Double Tube supply Water Temp Member number 25 Object name DoubleTubeSupplyWaterTemp_XX_YYY_ZZ XX means Air condition type like GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Unit s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now ZZ means Indoor Unit s number like GMV is between 01 an...

Page 58: ...ns Indoor Unit s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now otherwise 00 means device YYY s Parameters Object type Binary Input Object ID BI 3 YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 Instance Number YYY 8192 ZZ 64 2 Description this object is used to monitor the disinfecting status of GMV water heater Present_Value ACTIVE Yes INACTIVE No Note 1 This parameter is only for the GMV water heater 29 Floor heat power Member num...

Page 59: ...State 0x00000004 for Setting Temp Shielding State When these two happen together then Present_Value property will be 5 conversion method 0x00000001 OR 0x00000004 is 0x00000005 equal to 5 3 When Present_Value is 0x8000000 all disabled functions will be enabled and the Present_ Value property will be 0 4 This parameter is only for the GMV water heater 31 Outdoor unit general error mark Member number...

Page 60: ... Present_Value property will be 65 conversion method 0x00000001 OR 0x00000040 is 0x00000041 equal to 65 33 Outdoor environment temp Member number 32 Object name Outdoor Environment Temp_XX_YYY_ZZ XX means Air condition type like GMV is 01 YYY means Outdoor Unit s number like GMV is between 001 and 004 now ZZ means Indoor Unit s number like GMV is between 01 and 16 now otherwise 00 means device YYY...

Page 61: ...y Kit for Central Air Conditioners 45 Instance Number YYY 8192 ZZ 64 5 Description this object is used to monitor the on off status of the compressor of the GMV outdoor unit Present_Value ACTIVE On INACTIVE Off Note ...

Page 62: ... 0 0 1 0 0 Midway Tube Temp Sensor Error 0x00000008 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Outlet Tube Temp Sensor Error 0x00000010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Inlet Tube Temp Sensor Error 0x00000020 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 E n v i r o n m e n t Te m p e r a t u r e Sensor Error 0x00000040 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auxiliary Heater Protection Error 0x00000080 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Freeze Protection 0x00000100 0 0 0 ...

Page 63: ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Outdoor Unit Outlet Tube Temp Sensor Error 0x00000010 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 F i x e d F r e q u e n c y C o m p r e s s o r Discharge Temp Sensor Error 0x00000020 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Va r i a b l e Vo l u m e C o m p r e s s o r Discharge Temp Sensor Error 0x00000040 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 High Pressure Transducer Error 0x00000080 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fixed Frequency Compress...

Page 64: ...icable only to the digital multi GMV system R22 and digital multi GMV system R410A with the capacity of 56 and 60kW 0x00008000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Subunit Outlet Tube Temp Sensor Error 0x00010000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subunit Midway Tube Temp Sensor Error 0x00020000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S u b u n i t I n l e t Tu b e Temp Sensor Error 0x00040000 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S u...

Page 65: ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Outdoor Outlet Tube Temp Sensor Error 2 0x00000040 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 W a t e r Ta n k U p p e r Te m p Sensor Error 0x00000080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W a t e r Ta n k L o w e r Te m p Sensor Error 0x00000100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Tank Outlet Tube Temp Sensor Error 0x00000200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Water Tank...

Page 66: ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 User Mode Shielding State 0x00000003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Setting Temp Shielding State 0x00000004 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Quick Water Heating Shielding State 0x00000005 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Cleaning Shielding State 0x00000006 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Parameter Viewing Shielding State 0x00000007 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Priority Control Shielding State 0x00000008 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lock State...

Page 67: ...GREE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES INC OF ZHUHAI Add West Jinji Rd Qianshan Zhuhai Guangdong China 519070 Tel 86 756 8522218 Fax 86 756 8669426 E mail gree gree com cn www gree com 64134100001 ...
