DC Inverter U-match Series Duct Type Unit
32 Indoor Side Drain Pipe
Install the drain hose in accordance with the instructions in this installation manual
and keep the area warm enough to prevent condensation. Problems with the
piping may lead to water leaks.
(1) Install the drain hose with downward gradient (1/100 to 1/50) and no
risers or traps are used for the hose. See the following figure.
(2) Be sure there is no crack or leak on the drain hose to avoid the formation
of air pocket. See the following figure.
(3) When the hose is long, install supporters. See the following figure.
Unit: mm
(4) Always use the drain hose which has been insulated properly.
(5) Use a suitable drain hose.
(6) There is a drain port on both the left and right sides. Select the drain port
to match the local conditions. See the following figure.