centered over the hole in the pant. Glue the mount to the
pant with 30-minute epoxy. The inside of the wheel pant
mount has the 1/2" [13mm] hole. Hint: For the most secure
bond, add microballoons (TOPR1090) or milled glass fibers
(GPMR6165) to the epoxy.
3. Mount the landing gear to the fuse with the two
6-32 x 5/8" SHCS, two #6 flat washer and two #6 lock washers.
❏ ❏
4. Temporarily slide the wheel pant, two #8 washers,
wheel and wheel collar onto the axle. Determine where the set
screw for the wheel collar will be positioned on the axle.
Remove the wheel and pant and then file a flat spot on the
bottom of the axle for the set screw in the wheel collar.
❏ ❏
5. Mount the wheel to the axle and tighten the set screw.
❏ ❏
6. With the plane on its wheels on a flat surface, block
the TE of the wheel pants 3/4" [19mm] off the surface.
❏ ❏
7. Drill two 1/16" [1.6mm] holes through the pant using
the holes in the gear as a guide.
❏ ❏
8. Fasten the wheel pants to the landing gear with two
#2 x 3/8" screws. Remove the set screws in the wheel
collars and add a drop of oil to the axle and the wheel. Add
a drop of threadlocker to the set screws, install them into the
wheel collars and securely tighten. Note: Double check that
the wheel spins freely.
9. Return to step 2 and mount the other wheel and pant
to the left landing gear the same way.
1. Draw a vertical line on the firewall using the embossed
lines as a guide. Note: This line is offset to the left side of the
fuse so that the spinner will be on the center-line of the fuse.
Mount the Engine