Important Safety Information
Wear Protective Equipment
Wear protective clothing and equipment.
Wear clothing and equipment appropriate for the job.
Avoid loose-fitting clothing.
Because prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause
hearing impairment or hearing loss, wear suitable
hearing protection such as earmuffs or earplugs.
Because operating equipment safely requires your full
attention, avoid wearing entertainment headphones while
operating machinery.
Handle Chemicals Properly
Agricultural chemicals can be dangerous. Improper use
can seriously injure persons, animals, plants, soil and
Read and follow chemical manufacturer’s instructions.
Wear protective clothing.
Handle all chemicals with care.
Avoid inhaling smoke from any type of chemical fire.
Store or dispose of unused chemicals as specified by
chemical manufacturer.
Confined Space
With grain or fertilizer present, and once used for
hazardous fertilizers, or seeds with hazardous
treatments, your hoppers may become
permit-required confined spaces
under applicable statutes, regulations, insurance rules or
business policy.
A full, encrusted or bridged grain hopper can be a rapid
suffocation hazard.
Even when empty, hazardous fumes or low oxygen may be
present. You can be quickly overcome even with the
hopper lid open.
Do not enter a hopper for material loading, material
unloading, hopper cleaning or meter maintenance.
Clean hopper by power washing from outside the hopper
Remove large obstructions, perform meter maintenance,
and perform sensor maintenance by removing meters from
bottom of empty hopper.