Operating Instructions
Typical YP4425A Planter Weights
Transport Checklist
Plan the route. If towing a cart hitched to the planter,
plan the route so that no reverse movements will be
necessary. Avoid steep hills. Keep Clearances in
mind. Folded, your YP4425A Planter may be nearly
15 feet (4.6 m) wide and 13 feet (4 m) high.
Make both electrical and hydraulic connections. See
If markers are unfolded, fold them.
See “
Raise planter.
See “
Install lock-up channels on lift cylinders.
See “
Disengage caster locks. See page 30.
Fold and latch lower ladder section. See page 34.
If planter wings are unfolded, fold them.
See “
Make sure wing locks are engaged.
3-point hitch:
Lower hitch fully to ensure wings remain locked.
Hydraulic hitch:
Confirm CFM set to Hitch and hitch circuit in Float.
Always have lights on for highway operation.
Comply with all federal, state and local safety laws
when traveling on public roads.
Travel with caution.
28800 lbs
29900 lbs
29300 lbs
34500 lbs
(13050 kg)
(13550 kg)
(13300 kg)
(15650 kg)
33700 lbs
39600 lbs
38300 lbs
38500 lbs
(15300 kg)
(18000 kg)
(17400 kg)
(17500 kg)
Standard Configuration
and 82 bu Hopper
82 bu Hopper, Fertilizer
Tanks and Boom
150 bu Hopper,
Unit-Mount Coulters
and Row Cleaners
150 bu Hopper,
UMC/RC, and
PFC2000 Tank Cart*
* Figures included only to emphasize the hazard.
tow a loaded tank cart hitched to a planter.
The figures in the table above represent a limited
number of configurations. The weight of your planter
can vary by thousands of pounds, even if it is the
same base model, due to installed options and/or
aftermarket equipment.
If your tractor weight or capability is near its limits,
take your empty planter to a scale and get a precise
Never exceed 13 mph (22 km/h) in turns. The YP4425A
Planter is extremely heavy, and can cause “over-steer”
with most tractors. The rear-most transport wheels, and
tank cart lead wheel fully caster, and provide no
resistance to side sway by the planter or cart.