HT1110-6.0M & 7.5M
First Time Field Adjustments
Great Plains
| 588-206M | 3/21/22
Fore/Aft Leveling
The Terra Max® needs to run level front to rear and from side
to side. Though pre-leveling was done, you may still need to
change this slightly once you go to the field. Fore and Aft
cylinder is on the same circuit as the gang angle. It has to be
switched, adjusted and then switched back. Once this is set to
the tractor it should not require changing again.
Fore/Aft Adjustment
29. Be sure the switch (1) has Ford/Aft selected and adjust the
hydraulic cylinder (Red handles) on the hitch to bring the
front up and down until the machine is level front to back.
Be sure to switch back to Gang Angle selection when
finished. Never run the machine lower (deeper) in the rear
than in the front.
30. As far as leveling the wings to the center section, if the
wings were pre-leveled as shown in “
on page 16, then further adjustment should be done with
the down pressure setting. If the wings are running low,
back off the down pressure. If wings are running high,
increase the down pressure, see “
” on page 19,for complete down pressure
31. If no down pressure is being used, set the wings to match
the depth of the center. Start by loosening jam nut (2) with
turnbuckle wrench (stored on rear pegs of hitch). Turn the
turnbuckle (3) to adjust. (Shorten turnbuckle to run
shallower, lengthen to run deeper).
32. In a first time operation, it is generally best to operate the
unit at a slight angle to the rows. If the unit is used as a
secondary pass it is recommended to operate the unit at a
slight angle to the previous tillage pass. This will improve
trash flow and increase the leveling capability.