Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 01/2008
Draw the leads through the wing panels, so that the connectors exit the holes in the
root ribs.
Place the aileron servos in the wing panels as shown in the following photo. Drill 1.5
mm Ø pilot-holes, working through the metal spacers, and fit the retaining screws to
secure the servos.
Fit the swivel pushrod connectors in the holes in the servo output arms, as shown in
the photo.
Check that the connector barrels rotate smoothly, but
noticeable slop.
The ailerons and landing flaps are attached to the wings using hinges, which should
first be glued in the control surfaces to half their depth. We recommend that you draw
a centreline on the hinges using a pencil. Apply a few drops of thin cyano to the top
and bottom of each hinge, and push them into the slots as far as the marked
The steel rod joiners have to be glued in the holes and slots in the flaps at the same
time as you install the hinges. We recommend EPOXY GLUE for this. First apply
epoxy to the slots and holes for the flap joiners, then apply cyano to the hinges and
push the flaps fully into position, leaving a gap about 0.5 mm wide along the hinge
axis. While the epoxy is hardening, fix the flaps at the neutral position using two
clothes pegs on each side.
The ailerons can be attached permanently to the wings once the glue has set hard:
push the ailerons onto the projecting hinges to a depth of about 2 mm. Apply a few
drops of thin cyano to the top and bottom of each hinge, then push the ailerons fully
onto the hinges, leaving a gap about 0.5 mm wide along the pivot axis.
The two electric motors can be prepared for installation while the glue is hardening:
Attach the electric motors to the nose bulkheads of the engine nacelles using the
screws and captive nuts supplied. Apply a drop of UHU schraubensicher (thread-lock
fluid) to the screws to prevent them working loose.
Note that the speed controllers must be connected to the motors before the nacelle
fairings are screwed in place; run the motors briefly to ensure that they are rotating in
the correct direction.
The speed controllers can be fixed to the side of the motor mounts using double-
sided foam tape.
The leads between the speed controllers and the battery need to be extended by
about 250 mm.