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Id.-Nr. 0058032 01/2008 25
Cut out the aileron servo well covers (38).
The illustration shows the prepared aileron servo installed in the wing. Glue the servo mount (27) in
place and connect the aileron linkage, ensuring that the clevises engage fully. Fit the servo well cover
(38) and secure it with the cover retainer (adhesive film, part 3). Repeat the procedure with the second
wing panel. Cut out the name placards on the decal sheet and apply them to the model’s components
in the arrangement shown in the kit box illustration.
RC installation
Connect the servo leads to the receiver, and connect the aileron servo suppressor filters, Order No.
1040, to receiver sockets 2 and 5. Run the receiver aerial out through the fuselage side, and attach it
to the underside of the fuselage for a length of about 300 mm using adhesive tape; allow the
remainder of the aerial to trail freely. Check all the control functions in turn.
It is important to ensure that the servos are not stalled at either end-point of their travels. Pack the
receiver in shock-absorbing foam and slide it into the tail boom aft of the servos.
Set the control surface travels as follows, in each case measured at the trailing edge of the control
surface: ailerons: 10 mm down, 30 mm up; airbrake function: 45 mm up; elevator 15 mm up and down;
rudder 30 mm left and right of centre.
Attach the wing and tailplane to the fuselage, and check the model’s Centre of Gravity as follows:
when completely assembled, ready to fly, the aeroplane should balance at a point in the range 80 to
100 mm aft of the wing root leading edge when supported on two fingers under the wings on both
sides of the fuselage. If necessary, you can correct or adjust the CG by re-positioning the LiPo flight