version 2.0 | June 2006
DCR 4000 User’s Guide | Installation
Synchronizing with other devices
When the Viper and Venom are to be synchronized with other cameras for a multi-
camera shoot or with other devices such as audio recorders or motion control rigs, it is
necessary to connect Genlock and/or Time Code.
The Genlock signal required is HD Tri-level sync or Analog black reference, which must
be connected to the Venom via the docking plate BNC connector, not to the Viper. The
reference signal used must be of the same format as that selected on the camera.
Time Code
Both an internal TC run mode and an external TC mode are available:
• Internal run mode: time code is set to actual real time code. From the start, time
code is generated in sync with the incoming video signal and sent to the LTC
• Time code is set to the time code of the external TC generator and begins
counting up when a new recording starts.