version 2.0 | June 2006
DCR 4000 User’s Guide | Installation
Chapter 1
Venom FlashPak is a solid-state recorder designed to be used in conjunction with Grass
Valley's Viper FilmStream Camera. The use of Venom gives an on-board recording
capability matched to the outputs of the Viper, with full quality uncompressed
recording of all formats supported by Viper.
Venom FlashPak mounts on to Viper using a docking adaptor, which gives direct
connection such that a FlashPak can be quickly removed and replaced. Each recording
is given a "Take" number and metadata can be attached to identify and describe each
After recording, data is downloaded directly from Venom into a long-term storage
device and backup recordings can also be made. After data has been transferred, the
Venom can be erased and re-used immediately.