Chapter 1
2 CameraMan 3-CCD Presenter Camera System Installation and Operations Manual
You’ll see three icons in this manual:
This icon alerts you to
important instructions
the operation and maintenance of your Camera
Control Keypad.
This icon alerts you to
tips or noteworthy sugges-
in the operation, use or maintenance of your
Camera Control Keypad.
This icon refers you to the
3-CCD Camera Installa-
tion and Operations Manual
that came with your
Your 3-CCD Presenter Camera System
should include these components:
One 3-CCD Main Docking Station
One 10’ Main Docking Station Cable
One Tracking Power Pack
One Tracking Ring Sensor
One Tracking Ring Belt
One Power Pack Charger
One 3-CCD Tracking System Keypad
One 3-CCD Presenter Camera System Opera-
tions Manual
One 3-CCD Tracking Ring Package Quick Ref-
erence Card
One Tracking Ring Power Pack Pouch
CameraMan Keypad Cable (6-pin phone) - 25
Two Rubber Duck Antennas
The terms Visibly Better, IMAGE, and Digital RF
900, are registered trademarks of Grass Valley, Inc.
in the United States of America. The terms Camera-
Man and Grass Valley are registered logos in the
United States of America. Federal law prohibits any