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Press the “Reboot” button at the bottom of the configuration menu to reboot the phone remotely. The web
browser will then display a message window to confirm that reboot is underway. Wait 30 seconds to log in
Grandstream GXW4248 can be automatically configured from a central provisioning system.
When GXW4248 boots up, it will send TFTP or HTTP/HTTPS requests to download configuration files,
“cfg000b82xxxxxx” and “cfg00082xxxxxx.xml”, where “000b82xxxxxx” is the LAN MAC address of the
GXW4248. If the download of “cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml” is not successful, the provision program will issue
request a generic configuration file “cfg.xml”. Configuration file name should be in lower case letters.
The configuration data can be downloaded via TFTP or HTTP/HTTPS from the central server. A service
provider or an enterprise with large deployment of GXW4248 can easily manage the configuration and
service provisioning of individual devices remotely from a central server.
Grandstream provides a central provisioning system GAPS (Grandstream Automated Provisioning
System) to support automated configuration of Grandstream devices. GAPS uses enhanced (NAT
friendly) TFTP or HTTP (thus no NAT issues) and other communication protocols to communicate with
each individual Grandstream device for firmware upgrade, remote reboot, etc.
Grandstream provides GAPS service to VoIP service providers. Use GAPS for either simple redirection
or with certain special provisioning settings. At boot-up, Grandstream devices by default point to
Grandstream provisioning server GAPS, based on the unique MAC address of each device, GAPS
provision the devices with redirection settings so that they will be redirected to customer’s TFTP or
HTTP/HTTPS server for further provisioning.
Grandstream also provides configuration tools (Windows and Linux/Unix version) to facilitate the task of
generating device configuration files. The Grandstream configuration tools are free to end users. The
configuration tools and configuration templates are available for download from