Grandstream Networks, Inc. GSurf_Pro USER MANUAL
Page 22 of 45
Updated : 06/2013
Click on
System Config
Local Config
to configure software and local recording features for GSurf_Pro.
Configure log reserved days, video window layout and startup options.
Record Path:
This section displays name, total space and free space of the local disks. Users could
select the local disk to store recorded video files. If users select multiple disks, GSurf_Pro will start
from the first disk until the free space equals the reserved space, and then go to the next one.
Reserved free space:
Configure the reserved free space for the disk. When the disk free space is
less than the reserved free space (1 GB in this example), the video will be recorded in the next
selected disk.
Record file duration time:
Configure the duration for each recording file.
Disk Full:
When the disk is full, users could choose to stop recording, or keep recording while storing
new recording by deleting the old files.
Capture Path:
Configure the path to save the snapshot pictures.
Figure 15: GSurf_Pro Local Configure - Record Configure