Possible cause
Espresso does not have cream.
The cream is too light.
The cream is too dark.
Espresso is too sour.
Espresso is too bitter.
Espresso has a strange flavour.
Espresso has little flavour.
Pre-ground coffee from the
supermarket used.
Unit is soiled.
Cups are soiled or greasy.
If the cream is too light, this
means there is little flavour,
the ground material is too
If the cream is too dark, this
means that the espresso is
bitter. The ground material is
too fine, over-extraction has
taken place.
Espresso beans have been
roasted too light.
Grinding level set too coarse.
Acid-intensive types of Arabi-
ca in the coffee mixture.
Grinding level set too fine.
Very dark roast.
The unit is soiled.
Poor bean quality.
Roast coffee is too old, maybe
oxidised and therefore rancid.
Coffee grounds too old
(pre-grinding took possibly
place before more than 1
Use freshly ground coffee.
Clean the unit.
Clean the cups.
Set a finer grinding level.
Set a coarser grinding level.
Take a different type of coffee
with a darker roast.
Set a finer grinding level for
your coffee grinder.
Take a different type of coffee
with less acid-intensive types
of Arabica.
Set a coarser grinding level for
your coffee grinder.
Take a different type of coffee
with a lighter roast.
Clean the unit inside by acti-
vating the cleaning function.
Ensure a premium bean
Take fresh roast coffee.
Always grind directly into the
group handle.