3 6 0 E
A blower is included to provide ventilation to the generator engine compartment and should
run at least 4 minutes before starting the generator. Using the blower does not take the place of
checking the engine compartment by sight and smell for gasoline vapors. The blower is
located in the aft rigging compartment and can be accessed through the aft rigging lid.
Carbon Monoxide Detector
Two carbon monoxide detectors are installed in the cabin to serve as a warning system for
exposure to poisonous carbon monoxide fumes. Carbon monoxide is a colorless odorless gas
produced in the exhaust of combustion engines. It can accumulate in amounts that may be
hazardous or fatal. This accumulation may occur very quickly in a boat with a defective
exhaust or one in which the exhaust is re-entering the boat due to wind currents, low pressure
areas in the cabin, or other means of air movement. A CO monitor provides an extra measure
of safety, but it does not replace the need to regularly check the entire generator exhaust
system including the exhaust manifold, hose and muffler condition, hose connection joint, etc.
For proper operation and maintenance, refer to the literature provided by the manufacturer in
the owner’s packet.
Air Conditioner
The air conditioning system operates on AC current only; therefore, the generator or dockside
power must be in use with load group 2 energized. The air conditioner switch on the AC/DC
panel activates the unit’s control pad located in the dinette area. The air/cooler pump switch
must also be on and the air condition seacock must be open to supply the unit with raw water.
The thermostatic control is similar to household units. Supply vents are located in the galley,
the dinette, the forward V-berth, the aft berth, and the head. The return vent is located in the
dinette area. The air conditioning unit is located beneath the forward dinette seat. The
condensation drain for the unit drains to the shower sump. Therefore, the shower sump pump
should be switched on when using the air conditioner to remove any condensation. Refer to
the Operation and Maintenance manual in your Owner’s Packet for specific instructions on
using the unit. See
“Air Conditioning Layout” on page 8–30
for a layout of the air
conditioning system. See
“Air Condition & Cockpit Coolers One-Line Diagram” on page 8–
for a wiring diagram.
If your boat is removed from the water, leaving the seacock open will drain the water in the air
conditioning system. This may cause an airlock in the air conditioner water pump in subsequent
operation. To prevent this drainage, close the air conditioner seacock. If the boat is being
winterized, leave the seacock open so the water can drain. Then, remove any remaining water by
blowing pressurized air through the system. See the Operation and Maintenance Manual included
in your Owner’s Packet for additional winterizing information.
Summary of Contents for EXPRESS 360
Page 2: ......
Page 8: ...T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ...
Page 12: ...W E L C O M E 1 4 ...
Page 20: ...S A F E T Y 2 8 ...
Page 36: ...I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N A N D S W I T C H E S 5 8 ...
Page 58: ...M A I N T E N A N C E A N D S E R V I C E 6 16 ...
Page 66: ...W I N T E R I Z A T I O N A N D S T O R A G E 7 8 ...
Page 132: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y 9 4 ...
Page 135: ......
Page 136: ......