Brackets are equipped with a drain plug in the bottom of the bracket near the transom. This
plug should only be used if water is found inside the bracket. When replacing drain plug, coat
threads with a Teflon thread sealant and do not over tighten.
Grady-White’s canvas is made using the highest quality vinyl and latest sewing techniques.
The canvas will not be completely leak proof. The seam holes in your canvas may stretch and tend
to leak. However, you can correct this problem by applying Apseal® or Uniseal™ to the seams.
Please understand that Grady-White does not warrant the fit and design of the canvas to
be entirely watertight.
To maintain your boat's top and other canvas follow these guidelines:
Fabric should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of soil and soil penetration of the
fabric. Simply brush off any loose dirt, hose down canvas and clean with a mild solution and
warm water. Do not use petroleum-based or ammonia cleaners on canvas or clear vinyl as they
will yellow. For heavily soiled fabric, remove from the frame. Soak the fabric in a solution of
1/2 cup (.12 L) of Clorox® and 1/4 cup (.06 L)of Ivory® or Lux® soap per 1 gallon (3.8 L) of
warm water. Let soak until mildew and stains can be brushed out with a common kitchen
brush. Rinse thoroughly with cold water until all soap is removed. Allow fabric to air dry
Do not steam press or dry in an electric or gas dryer.
This will damage the
canvas fabric. Water repellent was applied to your canvas during manufacturing. The repellent
may have diminished after extended cleaning. Re-treatment of the fabric is recommended. Do
not use wax-based products. Use a water based repellent like Apseal® or Uniseal®.
Scotchguard® is effective for short-term use only.
Snaps and Zippers
To protect the snaps and zippers on your boat’s canvas and cushions from corrosion and
binding, Grady White includes a snap/zipper assist tool and a tube of lubricant (E-Z Snap®) in
your owner’s packet. The lubricant, manufactured by IOSSO (part number 10909), should be
applied per the manufacturer’s directions during the initial use of your canvas and cushions.
The lubricant should be reapplied every 3 months or sooner depending on your boating
environment and usage. The snap/zipper assist tool included in your owner’s packet should be
used whenever you remove the canvas, cushions, or operate the zippers to prevent damaging
or tearing the material. Contact your dealer if you need to replace your assist tool or reorder
the lubricant.
•Clean clear vinyl thoroughly with denatured alcohol and apply a protective layer of clear
Do not
use paste wax, as it will turn the vinyl yellow. This process should be repeated
as necessary to maintain the protective wax coating.
•Store and secure canvas before trailering.
•Dry all canvas before storing to prevent mildew.
•Remove the top, front, and side panels.
them for storage. This is necessary to prevent
the front and side vinyl pieces from cracking.
Never fold these pieces!
Summary of Contents for EXPRESS 360
Page 2: ......
Page 8: ...T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ...
Page 12: ...W E L C O M E 1 4 ...
Page 20: ...S A F E T Y 2 8 ...
Page 36: ...I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N A N D S W I T C H E S 5 8 ...
Page 58: ...M A I N T E N A N C E A N D S E R V I C E 6 16 ...
Page 66: ...W I N T E R I Z A T I O N A N D S T O R A G E 7 8 ...
Page 132: ...L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y 9 4 ...
Page 135: ......
Page 136: ......