(i.e. a torn control line) Avax XC2 can be manoeuvred by steering with the rear
risers or by weight shift.
Usage of speed system
Maximum speed is one of the strong points of GRADIENT paragliders and the
Avax XC2 is no exception. Not only has it got a very high maximum speed, but
unlike some other paragliders the full speed range is useable. In spite of this
exceptional stability at high speed don't forget that any collapse at full speed will be
more sever than the same event experienced at normal trim speed. Always keep
both hands on the controls when flying fast in turbulence and be ready to release
the speed system immediately at the first signs of a collapse. Use the speed
system very carefully or not at all at low altitude.
5.1.4. Landing
Landing with Avax XC2 is very simple and without difficulties. On your first flights
you may be surprised at just how well it glides. Take account of this when making
your landing approach! Against a wind, at about 1m above the ground you may
pull down the brakes all the way. Under zero wind conditions, or if forced to make
an emergency landing down wind you may perfer to take a wrap of each control
line so as to enable a stronger flare.
5.2. Rapid descent
Every pilot will sooner or later be in a position when he/she has to quickly decrease
his/her altitude. This situation may come about as the result of a sudden and
unexpected change in the weather, Reaching cloudbase and not wishing to enter
the disorientating cloud, or simply because you need to finish your flight quickly. If
the landing approach takes place through strong thermals, it is often very difficult to
finish your flight without a rapid descent method being employed. There are three
main methods for achieving a rapid descent and they are: "Big ears", "B-stall" and
"Spiral dive".
5.2.1. Big-ears
This is the easiest technique for a rapid descent. Depending on how much of the
wing tip you deflate; 3 to 6 m/s sink rate can be achieved. While in big ears your
sink rate and forward speed can be further increased by using the speed system.
Avax XC2 can also be steered in big ears by means of weight-shift.