Appendix A - User Interface Display
Use this screen to set day, time, and units that will be
displayed on each screen. The selected language is
used in each USB log. The following USB languages are
supported: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian,
Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, and
System Number and USB Settings
Use this screen to set the sprayer number if using more
than one sprayer, and to configure the number of hours
downloaded to external USB flash drive and how often
the data will record, and set the A and B side metering
pump size. This system uses a 220 cc pump on the A
side and a 180 cc pump on the B side.
Tank Fill
Graco recommends leaving all of the settings on this
screen at the factory defaults.
This screen can be used to adjust tank level settings.
The default settings from the top of the screen to the
bottom are 20, 14, 11.5, and 11.2, when gallons is the
selected unit of measure on the system. The level
sensors cannot detect fluid under the 11 gallon level.
The top and bottom settings are used for maximum and
minimum settings for the tanks on this machine and
should not be changed. If the tank level goes beyond
one of these settings, an alarm will result. See
on page 89.
The middle two settings are for maintaining the tank
level when automatic tank filling is on. Automatic tank
filling will maintain the fluid level in the tank to between
these two levels. Changing these levels will move the
arrows shown next to the tanks on the Supply screen.
When using fiber-filled or compressible fluids, do not set
the high arrow too high. When the tank is depressurized
with too much fluid in the tanks, the fluid can expand
and rise up into the tank lid air passages.
Each value must be larger than the value below it. The
second settings (tank fill level) cannot be set above 85%
of the tank size.
Ratio Test
Ratio by Volume Mode
, use this screen to set the
ratio by weight (middle number), and the ratio tolerance
(bottom number). The values determine whether the
ratio test passes. The ratio by volume (top number) is
displayed but cannot be changed on this screen. See
screen on page 69 to change the ratio by volume.
Ratio by Weight Mode,
use this screen to set the
ratio by weight tolerance (bottom number). The ratio by
weight (top number) is displayed but cannot be changed
on this screen. See
change the ratio by weight.