Starting and Adjusting the Ram
Refer to Fig. 3. Be sure all air regulators and
bleed-type air valves are closed.
Open the air valve in the main air line and set the
ram air regulator (27b) to 200 kPa, 2 bar (28 psi).
Set the ram director valve switch (36) to the UP
position and let the ram rise to its full height. To
change the speed at which the ram raises and
lowers, adjust the air regulator to increase or
decrease the air volume.
Check that the fluid can is not dented or out of
shape, which will damage the wiper plate and
cause leakage around the wiper. Cut off the top of
the fluid can with the can opener, or remove the
bottom of the can. Be sure that the edge is free of
burrs, which will damage the wiper plate. If neces-
sary, bend the edge back with a pliers so the wiper
plate will enter the can easily. Lubricate the wiper
ring (305) to help the plate enter the can easily.
Set a can of fluid on the ram base, centering it
under the wiper plate (P). If the can has a welded
seam, position it with the seam facing the rear of
the pump.
Loosen the wiper plate bleed valve (303) enough
to allow air trapped under the wiper plate to es-
cape. With your hands away from the lip of the can
and the wiper plate, set the director valve switch
(36) to the DOWN position and lower the ram until
the wiper plate enter the can. Reduce the air
pressure when the plate enters the can.
NOTE: If the wiper plate does not enter the can easily,
increase the ram pressure; once it enters the can,
immediately reduce the pressure.
Continue to lower the ram until fluid appears at the
wiper plate vent hole. Tighten the wiper plate bleed
valve (303) securely. See Fig. 3.
Clamp the can in place with the clamps (24) and
wing screws (39), being sure the clamp catches
the lip of the can.
Priming the Pump and Pumping Fluid
Be sure the pump air regulator (27a) is closed.
Then set the ram air regulator (27b) to be about
150 kPa, 1.5 bar (22 psi). Set the director valve
switch (36) to DOWN.
Open the bleed-type master air valve (8). Set the
pump air regulator (27a) to 200 kPa, 2 bar (28 psi).
Open the pump bleeder valve (25) to allow air to
bleed from the pump. When the pump is fully
primed, close the valve.
Keep the director valve switch (36) in the DOWN
position while the pump is operating.
NOTE: Adjust the air pressure to the ram as needed,
but do not increase it to a level where fluid is forced
past the wiper plate.