grace design m906
owner’s manual
speaker 3 channel offset
screenshot 13
6. Once you’re satisfied with the new speaker 3 output and/or channel level offset values, you can select a new
function to edit or exit CAL mode.
7. Exit CAL mode and return to the normal operating state by pressing the flashing CAL switch.
SettinG tHe fiXeD LeveL Dac oUtPUtS LeveLS
The DAC outputs are great to use when you need to make transfers to other machines or for mixing or
mastering purposes. Each of the DAC outputs (6 channels) can be adjusted individually in CAL mode.
The absolute range of calibration is from -96dB to +31.5dB in 0.5dB steps. Note that the m906 factory
default setting for the DAC outputs is 0dB. At this setting, the DAC will 16dBu or +24dBu for
0dBFS depending on the output amplifier gain jumper settings (please contact us for making changes
to these jumper settings). Trimming the DAC output level is done as follows:
1. Enter CAL mode by pressing the CAL switch. The switch LED will begin to flash, indicating that you’re now in
calibration mode. All other switch LED’s on the remote control unit will be unlit. If you inadvertently entered CAL
mode, simply press the CAL switch again. You’ll be returned to the normal operating state of the m906 and the CAL
switch LED will extinguish. The lower line of the LCD reads ‘USE SEL FOR DAC’ (screenshot 14) .
cal mode enter screen
screenshot 14
2. Press the SEL switch, which is located to the immediate left of the MON > CUE switch. This will enter the LOCK
CLOCKSELECT setup. Press the SEL switch one more time and “FIXED DAC OUTPUT – SELECT CHANNEL” will be
displayed. The switch LED will begin to flash.
3. This mode of CAL uses the channel solo/mute switches to select the desired DAC channel for editing. Press the
switch corresponding to the DAC channel output you’d like to modify. The switch LED will begin to flash and ‘select
channel’ will be displayed in the second line of the LCD (screenshot 15).
fixed DAC output cal mode
screenshot 15
4. “CAL” will be displayed in the headphone level LED display, while the current DAC output channel level will be
shown in the ‘main level/edit’ LED window. A value of “0.0” indicates the default, non-edited value.
5. Rotate the ‘main level/edit’ rotary encoder in a clockwise direction to increase the value. Rotate the encoder
in a counter-clockwise motion to decrease the value. Once again, the absolute value range is -96dB to +31.5dB The
output will change in real-time.
6. Once you’re satisfied with the new DAC output level value for a given channel, you can select another channel
to adjust, select a new function to edit or exit CAL mode.