grace design m906
owner’s manual
Mono mode is used to sum the left and right channels of a stereo source to check for mono compatibility.
This switch only affects the Left and Right channels of the control room outputs, but does provide a
mono version of whatever inputs are selected in the headphone outputs. The mono mode switch is
located immediately to the left of the dim switch. When pressed, mono mode becomes active and the
switch LED lights solid. When pressed again, the mode is exited and the switch LED is extinguished.
Dim moDe
The dim switch, located to the right of the mono switch, is used to dim, or reduce, the control room
output levels by a fixed dB amount. The default value for this is -20dB but this value can be changed in
CAL mode (discussed below). Dim values can be set between -5 to -35 in 5dB steps. Dim will not affect
the audio feed to the headphone outputs.
When the dim switch is pressed, dim mode becomes active and the switch LED lights solid. When pressed
again, dim is exited and the switch LED is extinguished.
mUte aLL moDe
The mute switch is located to the immediate right of the dim switch. When this switch is pressed, all
audio output is muted, or cut, from the control room monitors. Note that mute will not affect the audio
feed to the headphone outputs. When the mute switch is pressed, mute mode becomes active and the
switch LED lights solid. When pressed again, mute is exited and the switch LED is extinguished.
The m906 features an optional DOWNMIX module that creates a stereo L+R mix of a 6 channel surround
source. All standard Dolby mix ratios can be calibrated by the user for both the center and surround
channels. To toggle the DOWNMIX mode, press and hold the MUTE/SOLO button. Once enabled, the
top line of the System LCD will display “DOWNMIX ACTIVE” (the display will toggle between this and the
current input setup). Press and hold the MUTE/SOLO button again to exit DOWNMIX mode.
Once DOWNMIX is enabled, the composite stereo mix is routed to the corresponding Left and Right
control room outputs and the surround outputs are muted. Additionally, it is present as the Headphone
Left and Right source and the MON->CUE source. NOTE: In a system without the DOWNMIX module
installed, routing is unchanged when DOWNMIX is enabled and no composite mix is created.
The DOWNMIX ratios are variable and adjusted in CAL mode (discussed in the ‘Advanced Features’
section of this manual).
cHanneL SoLo/mUte
The m906 provides the ability to solo or mute any one channel or any combination of channels in either
a stereo or 5.1 monitoring setup. Need to listen to the surround channels plus the center channel only?
No problem. Wish you could mute the sub? You got it. Channel solo/mute mode is an easy way to
accomplish these types of monitoring ta sks.
The channel solo/mute function is provided via a row of seven bi-color, illuminated switches located