Grace Industries, Inc.
Defi nition of Terms
Alarm Inhibit Timer
: When WorkForce® receives an alarm
message from another GRACE Industries device and that
alarm is cleared, the Alarm Inhibit Timer provides a 30 sec-
ond period of time where the WorkForce® will not receive a
other alarm message from that same device.
Alarm Message
: A radio transmitted signal is sent from the
WorkForce® to notify monitoring personnel that an emergen-
cy situation is present and rescue action is requested.
Alarm Mode
: WorkForce® transmits an emergency radio
signal and emits a loud audio alarm tone when motion-
sensing timer has lapsed, fall-detection was recorded, or the
emergency alarm button is activated.
Allows the user to monitor the status
of other personnel working in the same general area when
they are equipped with WorkForce® units or other GRACE
devices. The WorkForce® MUST be in the Sensing Mode to
receive Alarm signals from other Grace devices or
equipment. When one device goes into Alarm and an Alarm
Monitoring WorkForce® receives the signal, the Red side
LEDs will fl ash in an alternating pattern, and device info
for the unit in alarm will be displayed on the screen. This
alert can be
cleared for one minute
by pressing both side
buttons simultaneously. If additional GRACE devices go into
Alarm during this one-minute period, the Alarm Monitoring
notifi cations will be reactivated. This cycle will continue until
the telemetry unit in Alarm is reset or shut off .
If an alarm has been received, the WorkForce® will not
turn off until the alarm has been cleared or reset.
: When this setting is enabled, WorkForce®
is turned On and Off by disconnecting or connecting the
device into the Charger Adapter.
Canned Text Message:
Canned Text Messages are pre-
programmed, text-based messages that can be sent from
one WorkForce®2 to another.
Dilution of Precision
: A term used in satellite-gps navigation
to express the positioning accuracy of a GPS enabled device.
Displayed on the screen when Evacuation signal
received, indicating the user should leave the area immediately.
Fall Detection
: When in Sensing Mode, WorkForce® monitors
the user for a falling motion. Once a fall is detected, the unit
enters Fall Pre-Alert mode alerting the user of a detected fall
and allowing time (< 15 seconds) to clear the detected Fall
Pre-Alert before an Alarm is activated.
GPS Status Icon
: The GPS Status Icon appears on the Icon
Line of the Home Page when the GPS Location feature is ac-
tive. The icon changes based on the satellite fi x quality.
Home Page
: The Home Page is the main page of the Work-
Force®2 that is displayed on startup and any time the device
is reset. Displayed information includes status icons, motion
sensing timer, device OEM and ID numbers, and the fi rm-
ware versions loaded on the device.
Icon Line
: The top line of the home page displays the device
status icons.
Man-Down Alarm Mode
: A WorkForce® or other GRACE
safety device enters an audible Alarm Mode when the Pre-
Alert Timer counts down to zero.
Monitoring Authority
: The person(s) responsible for moni-
toring the status of the devices used by the various on-scene
personnel, usually from a centralized base location.
Motion Sensing Activation Icon
: Appears on the Icon Line
of the Home Page when the Motion Sensing feature is
active. This icon changes as the device senses motion.
Motion-Sensing Timer
: Indicates the seconds of lack-of-
motion required before the WorkForce® enters the Pre-Alert
eport is used to prompt the
person wearing the WorkForce® to acknowledge a
signal sent from a
Grace-Watch® monitoring system
. This
is designed as a periodic
for the WorkForce® user
providing an indication of their well-being.
: An audible warning that starts 12 seconds before
the Alarm Mode.
Radio Signal Propagation
: Radio Signal Propagation is the
behavior radio waves exhibit when they are transmitted.
Radio Signal Propagation can be aff ected by structural,
environmental, and atmospheric conditions.
Resetting the Device
: Simultaneously pressing the side
buttons resets the WorkForce®.
Requires the use of a
Grace-Watch® software
monitoring system
and is designed to signal the Work-
Force® user of an escalated situation prompting the user to
acknowledge their safety status immediately.
Sensing Mode
: When the WorkForce® is turned on, it is in
Sensing Mode. In Sensing Mode, the device is monitoring
radio traffi
c for alarm messages. The WorkForce® is also
sensing motion, if enabled.
Setup Mode
: Allows certain characteristics and functions of
the WorkForce® to be activated, deactivated, or modifi ed.
Signal Loss
: Signal loss is an event that occurs when the Work-
Force® is out of the RF communication range of a base moni-
tor for a preset length of time.
Signal Loss Activation Icon
: Appears on the Icon Line of the
Home Page when the Signal Loss feature is active.
Unit ID
: A unique ID number assigned to the WorkForce®
device for the purpose of radio communication. It can be
viewed on the HID WorkForce® Confi guration Tool.
Unit OEM
: The Unit OEM is a number assigned to the Work-
Force® device and is similar to the Unit ID. The key diff erence
is the Unit OEM is not a unique number to each device. In
most applications all of the WorkForce® devices will have the
same OEM number; from the factory, this number will usually
be 9090.