Functional Description and Specifications
Intended Use
The GRABO Pro Lifter 20 is a fully portable electric vacuum lifter,
intended to lift, move, and place everything from stone pavers to
tiles and drywall to furniture and large appliances.
GRABO Pro features an inbuilt pressure sensor with an automatic
start/stop pump. When the vacuum in the base of the suction cup
reaches -65 kPa, the tool will automatically stop the pump after a
5-second delay. When the vacuum level drops below -65 kPa, it will
automatically restart the pump, thereby achieving the required
pressure when in use.
The GRABO Pro features up to 170 kg (375 lbs) of grabbing force,
and can secure to almost any surface, enabling you to handle
unwieldy loads quicker and more safely than ever before, all while
minimizing the risk of damage to expensive materials.