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Date: 6/4/07
Document number: 236
Rev. 002 Organization: S&M
In normal operation the A11XLV is controlled via the front panel using buttons.
There are three buttons UP, DOWN and ENTER.
The unit can also be controlled via a RS232 port using a terminal emulator in
terminal mode or in command mode programmatically.
Terminal mode
One can connect to the device using a standard terminal device or a more likely scenario
a computer utilizing some terminal emulation software such as Hyperterm, Terra Term,
Kermit etc.
The unit can be operated with the down arrow keys and the enter keys in exactly the same
manor as if one were pressing the buttons on the front panel of the device by navigating
the menus and using the up, down arrow keys and enter key or equivalent esc sequences.
The device will echo the text to the serial port and in most case it will be the same as the
front panel LCD or it will be more verbose.
Note the letter “D” & “d” will also function as the down arrow key and the letter “U” & “u”
will function as the up arrow key.
The terminal ESC sequences ESC[B] or 0x1B and then a 0x41 will function as an up arrow
The terminal ESC sequences ESC[A] or 0x1B and then a 0x41 will function as an up arrow
(If there are any dinosaurs reading this, these are VT100 terminal escape sequences)
Command Mode
In command mode the unit can be controlled or operated by sending specific commands
as opposed to navigating menus via key strokes.
Though there is nothing stopping a user from sending individual key strokes i.e. characters
programmatically and navigating menus although it is not needed or recommended.
A command set is provided to execute functions directly so the unit can be controlled by a
machine or computer as in an automatic test setup.
See the
for a complete list of