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Your source for quality GNSS Networking Solutions and Design Services!
Date: 6/4/07
Document number: 236
Rev. 002 Organization: S&M
approximately 8 VDC into the device to over come the losses of reverse polarity
diodes, regulator losses and diode output OR function.
Antenna Current Fault Detection (Ant Fault Detect)
If the antenna current exceeds either a high or low threshold value then the device
will remove power from the antenna or input port and it will display an error
message on the display and via serial port.
After approximately 10 to 13 seconds the unit will retry to see if the current fault
condition has been removed by clearing the error message and momentarily
reconnecting power to the input port. If a high or low threshold current level is no
longer exceeded then the device will once again operate normally. The exact
trigger level[s] can be set via the serial port.
If you do not have the serial port option the factory defaults are low current
threshold level is less than 15ma and the high threshold level is greater
Oscillation Detection (OSC Detect)
The A11XLV is capable of detecting high levels of RF indicative of feed back from
the input of the device to the output or a runaway condition. If the OSC detect
circuitry threshold is exceeded the unit will remove power from the antenna or input
put and it will display an error message on the display and via the serial port. The
unit will not retry and requires a key press or equivalent character[s] from the serial
port to clear the error and to retry by restoring antenna power. The exact trigger
level[s] can be set via the serial port.
LCD display
The A11XLV can be equipped with a LCD display to provide feedback to the user.
LCD Backlight
LCD display can be equipped with an LCD back light. The back light is only
available with the power supply option.
Serial Port Control
The A11XLV can be controlled via a RS232 port