Change Language
1. Switch on the UFM — Within the start sequence, press
the multifunctional key next to the “SETUP” field.
2. Confirm the “SETUP LANG.” button.
3. Use the arrows in the next window to select the dialog
language. Confirm entry with “Enter” and exit the menu
with “SETUP”.
The language setting changes the language used
in the menus. The language in the fields next to
the multifunctional button remain unchanged.
To access the “Miscellaneous” menu:
In the primary measuring window “Flow 1”:
“SETUP” -> “CMPL SETUP” — In the main menu, navi
gate to “Damping/CutOff/Zero” menu.
Flow Damping
In the primary measuring window “Flow 1”:
“SETUP” -> “CMPL SETUP”. In the main menu, navigate
to “Damping/CutOff/Zero” -> “Damping Flow”
Specify an attenuation of signal output in this dialog.
Enter a damping time. It is a T63 damping. That means
after damping time the displayed value has reached 63%
of real change.
Example: Damping time 5 seconds, Flow change from
1 m3/h to 2 m3/h.
Display: Shows 1.63m3/h after 5 seconds, 2.00 m3/h
after another 5 seconds (10 seconds in total).
Typical values are 5-30 seconds. The higher the damp-
ing the slower the measurement but the “smoother” the
measurement curve.
Flow Cut off
In the primary measuring window “Flow 1”:
“SETUP” -> “CMPL SETUP”. In the main menu, navigate
to “System Setup” -> “Damping/Cut off/ Zero” -> “Cut
off Flow”.
Only the flow velocities that are greater than the setup
“Cut off” will be displayed. Lower velocities will be dis
played as 0.