GP3D Root Plus User Manual
Important notes
During printing, do not touch the power cord or the USB cable or
unplug the USB flash drive. Otherwise, it may interrupt the printing.
Before the molten filament comes out from the nozzle, do not heat the
extruder for a long time to avoid clogging.
During calibration, please keep a distance of more than 50mm between
the nozzle and the build plate, otherwise it may cause nozzle clogging.
When ABS material melts at high temperature, a small amount of
smoke will be released along with a slight smell. It is recommended to
use the product in a well-ventilated environment.
In the operation of the extruder, do not put your hand into the
GP3D Root Plus to avoid wound or burn.
Do not place the printer in an environment with much dust, high
moisture or intense sunlight.
Do not use the printer on a tilted surface, because the GP3D Root
Plus may fall, damage or hit other items.
Please wear protective gloves to separate models on the platform
to avoid burn or scratch.
I. Overview
1.1 Introduction
1. Nozzle
2. Z-axis
3. Build plate
4. Clamp
5. Y-axis
6. Teflon tube
7. Extruder
8. Filament assistant 9. X-axis
10. Spoon holder
11. Filament disk
12. Touch panel
13. USB cable interface
14. Power input
15. Power switch
16. USB flash disk interface
1.2 Technical parameters
Operating environment
Operating temperature: 5 °C - 35 °C
Relative humidity: 30%-90%
Electrical parameters
Power input: 100-240V AC, 1.5A, 50-60Hz
Power output: 19V/DC, 9.5A
Maximum power: 180W