Device Description HG G-84300ZD | English, Revision 10 | Date: 01.06.2022
Chapter 3 – Hardware
3.5 Switch-On Behavior
The gyro calibrates itself for 10 s after switching on (applying the supply voltage). It
must not be moved during this time. This also means that a vehicle in which the gyro
is installed must not be moved during this time.
3.6 LEDs
The CAN LED has a different meaning depending on whether the CAN mode is set
to CAN Standard or CANopen® (see section 5.3 on page 15).
Uncontrolled drift
If the gyro is moved during the first 10 s after being switched on, the initialization
of the drift compensation that then takes place leads to incorrect values. If a
vehicle is subsequently track guided on the basis of the faulty values,
uncontrolled driving behavior or even leaving the track may occur.
Do not move the gyro during the first 10 s after switch-on.
If an increased drift can be detected or if there is a suspicion that the gyro was
moved within the first 10 s after switch-on:
Perform drift compensation (see chapter 4 on page 12) or
switch the gyro off and on again and do not move it for 10 s.
Table 5
Functions of the LEDs
Color / Frequency
Green / Steady light
Normal operation
Red / Blinking
Parameter error (s. Table 6)
Green / Blinking
Measuring active
Yellow / Flickering
Drift compensation active
Green / Flickering
Drift compensation completed
Green / Steady light
Communication OK
Red / Blinking
Communication error (s. Table 6)
Green / Flashing
State: STOP
Green / Blinking
State: Preoperational
Green / Steady light
State: Operational
Red / Blinking
Communication error (s. Table 6)