Device Description HG G-71450/1/3/5-A | English, Revision 02 | Date: 06.06.2019
Interfaces: CANopen® (HG G
71453) – Chapter 7
7.2 Node ID
2 Hex rotary switches protected by seal plugs in the housing of the transponder an
tenna can be used to adjust the CANopen® Node ID (see also Figure 9 on page 20).
Use a screwdriver to set the address in the range of 01 bis 7F and then close the
plugs tightly again. For the readjusted address to be used the antenna has to be
turned off and on again.
7.3 Default Values
The CANopen® interface is set to the following values in the delivery state.
7.4 Description of the Transmission Process Data Objects
Fixed places are allocated for the measured values in the PDO. Dynamic mapping is
not possible. TPDO_1 is transmitted as a combination of the identifier 0x180 and the
node address. It is either sent cyclically (event time > 10ms) or only when the mea
sured values have changed (inhibit time > 3ms). In order to avoid excessive bus us
age, it is possible to set the so-called Inhibit time in the CAN menu of the serial mon
itor or with an SDO.
It contains exactly 3 bytes consisting of 16 bit transponder code and the status. The
latter is equal to the status as shown in the monitor program. The meaning of the
data is defined in Table 34 on page 37.
It is also possible to permanently deactivate a TPDO by selecting the asynchronous
mode (255) with inhibit time = 0 and event time = 0,
then store the parameters. In
addition, it is possible to temporarily deactivate/activate the TPDO by setting/delet
ing the highest ranking bit within the corresponding PDO COB identifier [1800,01].
Table 33
HG G-71453: CAN factory settings
Default value
Posi filter
CAN baud rate
TPDO Event time
TPDO Inhibit time
Heartbeat time
Lowbyte first
Table 34
HG G-71453: Structure CAN transmitting object TPDO_1
No. format
Value range (Hex)
Unsigned 16
Code bits 0..15
Unsigned 8
Status bits (see
following below)