Device Description HG G-31500-A | English, Revision 02 | Date: 10.06.2021
Hardware – Chapter 3
The transfer value for the volume in the telegram is set to 100.
Playback is started via the control inputs (always 100 %).
Playback is started via the manual button field. The volume must be set to the
maximum value with the + key.
3.10 Standby Mode
The standby bit can be used to activate or deactivate the power saving mode. In ac
tivated standby mode, the current consumption of the audio player is 0.02A at 24V.
The wake-up time from standby mode is approx. 1 second. Any audio playback al
ready in progress is terminated when the standby mode is activated. The standby bit
can be set serially and via CAN bus in the control byte, see section 4.5 on page 14.
3.11 Commissioning
Commissioning includes the following steps:
Mount the device at the desired location (s. section 3.6 on page 10).
Connect one or two loudspeakers to ST 1 (see section 3.5.1 on page 9).
Connect the desired interface to the corresponding pins of ST 2 (see section
3.5.2 on page 9).
Insert a USB storage device with the audio files on it into the USB port. For for
mat and location of the audio files see section 4.1 on page 12.
Connect supply voltage and ground to the corresponding pins of ST 2 (see sec
tion 3.5.2 on page 9).
Use the desired interface to control play/pause/stop playback of the audio files
(see chapter 4 on page 12).
When the device is switched on for the first time or when a USB storage medium is
connected which has not been used with the audio player before, some files/direc
tories are created on the USB storage medium, see chapter 5 on page 15.